Integration of heating mode into ventilated cooled beam.

Nowadays the ventilated cooled beam is one of the most popular air-conditioning system, e.g. in Scandinavia and Central Europe. With such beams, it is possible to create high-quality indoor climate conditions, including thermal comfort and a low noise level within reasonable life-cycle costs. The beam is suitable for spaces with a high cooling requirement, low humidity load and relatively small ventilation requirement. Typically, the beams are used in offices and conference rooms.

The use of earth tube system as a means of improving indoor thermal comfort in South China.

This paper reports on an investigation of the use of an innovative earth tube ventilation system designed to improve the internal comfort conditions without the need for mechanical cooling. The numerical model and computer simulation developed for the prediction of air and soil temperatures has been made. The paper demonstrates the accuracy of this model and describes the results of analysis.

Productivity and indoor environment.

Surveys in several office buildings have shown that crowded work places, job dissatisfaction and physical environment are the main factors affecting productivity. the data was produced and analyzed using occupational stress indicator in conjunction with the analytical hierarchical process. thermal problems, stuffiness, sick building syndrome factors and crowded work places were most frequent complaints. the results suggest that the productivity could be improved by 4 to 10% by improving the office environmental conditions.

3-D modelling of solar chimney based ventilation system for building.

A computer model for predicting natural ventilation in buildings by solar chimney alone is presented. The simulations are based on the solution of the 3-D steady laminar conservation equations of mass, momentum and thermal energy with an appropriate set of boundary conditions. The equations are discretized using a finite difference formulation and solved by the Marker and Cell (MAC) scheme. Indoor airflow fields and temperature distributions are discussed with respect to human comfort at the living level, 1 m above floor.

Adaptive comfort behaviour in Iranian courtyard houses.

In many hot countries courtyard housing has evolved to help people achieve thermal comfort under hot conditions. Field studies have identified several thermal comfort adaptive actions that a person might take to achieve comfort. One of these actions is moving to a different thermal environment from the one causing the discomfort. The present paper examined how people adapt themselves thermally to achieve comfort in Iranian courtyard housing by moving between different spaces .in the house during the day.

Numerical simulation of air flow field in single-sided ventilated buildings.

The present paper refers to the numerical prediction of air velocities and temperatures inside single-sided naturally ventilated buildings and more specifically the special case in which air from the external environment is brought into the building through single-directed openings. The work is focused on the physical procedures governing air movement during the single-sided natural ventilation.

Typology of hybrid ventilation systems and practical examples.

This paper aims to identify major characteristics of hybrid ventilation systems, whereby a clear distinction is made between ventilation for Indoor Air Quality control and ventilation as part of a strategy for control of thermal comfort in summer. The aim is to identify the major differences between the various approaches and to develop some kind of rationale. Various building projects are used as illustration for the classification.

Improvement of thermal comfort in a naturally ventilated office.

In natural ventilation systems, fresh air is often provided through opening of windows, andthere is a wide range of possibilities with regard to selection of window type and position inthe facade. Different window types have quite different characteristics and thereby differentimpact on the thermal comfort conditions in the occupied zone. The thermal comfort is alsovery dependent on the selected natural ventilation strategy, the outdoor conditions and theavailable pressure difference across the window opening.
