Indoor air quality and thermal comfort studies of an under-floor air-conditioning system in the tropics.

Gives a report on thermal comfort and IAQ studies of an under-floor air-conditioning (UFAC) system in a hot and humid climate. In order to predict the airflow pattern of the supply air jet and to determine the occurrence of thermal stratification in the office room, thermal comfort parameters were measured at predetermined grid points within an imaginary plane. The authors also used Fanger's thermal comfort index to detect the occupants' thermal sensation, and measurements were made of the concentration levels of dust and carbon dioxide.

Thermal comfort standards.

Brief article introducing issues in the topic of thermal comfort standards and outlining papers from a recent conference on the subject held at Windsor, UK.

Laboratory and in situ tests to verify thermal comfort condition in a natural ventilated building.

In most countries nowadays, concepts of climatization and natural ventilation are considered essential aspects of any building project. However they are also used to ensure indoor air quality and summer thermal comfort. There are many other advantages to be gained such as reductions in energy use and noise levels and easier plant maintenance. In recent years, hybrid ventilation systems in office buildings have been used increasingly.

An experimental study of convective heat transfer of a body disturbed by local air flow.

States that inconsistency exists in thermal comfort conditions for local air movement. It is difficult to study, apparently because of the concurrence of the natural convection produced by metabolic heat dissipation of a body and room air movement. Claims that the term local draft sensation can be divided into the physical stimulation of air movement and the physiological perception of a body to analyse such a sensation.

The management of the individual heating systems in housing. From field studies to specific parameters for projects.

Individual heating systems have become more and more common in Italy in recent years, as a result of the development of a methane gas network and of general housing renovation. The research proposed some field studies to analyse the indoor climate for improving the heating system and indoor climate. Aims to correct the management of the heating systems to improve housing quality and occupant comfort.

Integral criteria on building envelopes assessment taking into account an approach of thermal comfort in architectural design.

The context of this work is the development of tools of thermal design adopted in the act of architectural design process, and the difficulty of architects and designers find when using these tools in the analysis of thermal performance of buildings, since this analysis requires specific knowledge. This paper aims to present a simplified method to be used in the preliminary phases of the architectural project process. This method obeys to expert rules which take into account an approach of thermal performance criteria.

Evaluation of the thermal comfort condition of an innovative building.

Natural and hybrid ventilation concepts are today the mean items of some international researchers about the behaviour in the innovative buildings. In fact they are utilised to contribute to the thermal comfort and the indoor air quality control. Besides there are other advantages as the low use of the energy and the reduction of noise levels. In the last years the study of the hybrid ventilation systems in the office and in the school buildings has in progress as the principal aim of Annex 35, organised by IEA. The present work wants to value the fluid dynamic phenomena organised by IEA.

Study on effect of pulsation of high-rise building wind pressure upon indoor thermal comfort.

In accordance with the regular and irregular variation principle of high-rise building wind pressure with the variation of time, wind direction proposed in associated reference and high-rise building around flow aerodynamic characteristic. An analysis is made about the characteristic and range in which wind pressure on high-rise building changes largely with coming flow, time and wind direction in the paper. On this base, this paper points out that building heat load and air infiltration rate is unstable and has large fluctuation in certain period.

Thermal comfort evaluation of natural ventilated public housing in Singapore.

Thermal comfort field studies were conducted in three different sessions (morning, afternoon and night) of the day to evaluate the actual thermal comfort perception of the occupants. Direct and indirect assessment of the thermal acceptability were performed to investigate whether the naturally ventilated indoor environment meet the ASHRAE Standard-55's 80% acceptability criteria. Comparison of thermal sensation and thermal comfort votes revealed that a high proportion of people experiencing sensations of +2, +3 still found the conditions to be comfortable.

On the indoor air quality, thermal comfort of occupants and energy conservation of air conditioning of an apartment unit.

At present, the studies of thermal comfort of occupants and indoor air quality are mainly not conducted in an apartment unit, but in a single room. Meanwhile, some factors are not taken into account in the research. Additionally, the energy is in short supply all over the world. So, it is necessary to study the distributions of microclimate primary factors of an apartment with view to energy conservation. The object of our study was to study the thermal comfort of occupants and indoor air quality in an apartment unit.
