Thermal comfort: a primer.

Describes factors influencing thermal comfort including temperature and radiation, relative humidity, air speed and turbulence, clothing, other parameters, and the perception of thermal comfort.

Characteristics of air flow through windows.

This paper describes the first results of a series of laboratory investigations that is performed to characterise three different window types. The results show the air flow conditions for different ventilation strategies and temperature differences. For one of the windows values of the discharge coefficient are shown for both isothermal and non-isothermal flow conditions and the thermal comfort conditions are evaluated by measurements of velocity and temperature levels in the air flow in the occupied zone.

Classification of hybrid ventilation concepts.

This paper aims to identify major characteristics of hybrid ventilation systems, whereby a clear distinction is made between ventilation for Indoor air quality control and ventilation as part of a strategy for thermal comfort in summer. Various building projects are used as illustration for the classification.

Unresolved issues in natural ventilation for thermal comfort.

An historical background of fluid mechanics used in computation of natural ventilation is provided. Unresolved issues in computation of natural ventilation for thermal comfort are discussed. These issues include the influence of building porosity on wind pressure difference coefficients; wind shelter effects; indoor air flow resistance; air flow for thermal comfort and heat stress relief; air flow computation techniques; and natural ventilation in home energy rating schemes.
