Test facility for building envelope leakage type analysis and improvement of acoustic and thermographic airtightness measurement methods

Ensuring the airtightness of building envelopes is crucial for enhancing the energy efficiency of buildings. The prompt detection of leaks is essential, particularly when undertaking building renovations. Consequently, efforts have been made in recent years to implement new measurement techniques that facilitate the rapid, straightforward, and wide-scale identification of leaks in building envelopes. Two notable methods are the use of acoustic and thermographic technologies.

16-17 May 2025, Hannover - 14th International BUILDAIR Symposium

The 14th International Buildair Symposium, themed "Airtight Buildings, Thermography, and Practical Ventilation Systems," is scheduled for May 16-17, 2025, in Hanover, Germany.

The event will offer a unique opportunity to find out about the latest developments and best practices, to highlight particular challenges in airtightness testing and to exchange experiences across national borders. 

The Call for Papers is now open, with submissions due by September 20, 2024.


16-17 May 2025, Hannover – “14th International BUILDAIR Symposium”

The 14th International Buildair Symposium: "Airtight Buildings, Thermography and Ventilation Systems in Practice" will take place on May 16 and 17, 2025 in Hanover, Germany. 

The event will offer a unique opportunity to find out about the latest developments and best practices, to highlight particular challenges in airtightness testing and to exchange experiences across national borders. 

The conference programme will include:


Thermography-based assessment of mean radiant temperature and occupancy in healthcare facilities

Due to its high demands regarding indoor environmental conditions, healthcare facilities are associated with high energy consumption. To move forward towards more demand driven and energy reduced conditioning, information on occupancy and temperature boundary conditions are crucial. Thermography-based systems enable data acquisition regarding both aspects in high local resolution. In this publication, we propose a thermography system that may be used for monitoring of rooms in healthcare facilities.

Airtight Buildings, Thermography and Ventilation Systems in Practice

The book of proceedings of the 13th International BUILDAIR Symposium "Airtight Buildings, Thermography and Ventilation Systems in Practice",  held on June 2-3  2023 in Hannover, Germany. Contains 36 abstracts.

Measuring airtightness of 100-meter high-rise buildings (lessons learned) – part 2

Worldwide, the demand for airtightness tests of tall buildings with a height of approximately 100 m is increasing. This report provides information on the planning and measurement concept for testing the entire building as a “single-zone” and presents the results and findings of the airtightness tests. The test set-up and the tests as such are based on the Passive House Institute's Guide to Measuring Tall Buildings [5] which includes recommendations that go beyond the ISO 9972 standard.

Messung der Luftdichtheit von Hochhäusern über 100 Meter (Projekterfahrungen) – Teil 2

Weltweit steigt die Nachfrage nach Luftdichtheitsprüfungen von hohen Gebäuden mit einer Höhe ab ca. 100 m. Dieser Bericht informiert über das Planungs- und Messkonzept zur Prüfung des gesamten Gebäudes als „Single-Zone“ und stellt die Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse der Luftdichtheitsprüfungen vor. Der Prüfaufbau und die Prüfungen als solche basieren auf dem Leitfaden des Passivhaus Instituts zur Vermessung von Hochhäusern [5], der Empfehlungen enthält, die über die Norm ISO 9972 hinausgehen.

Zone measurements and their analysis as carried out in apartments

Purpose of the work 
According to the two Swiss building standards Minergie-P and Minergie-A, individual dwelling units are considered measuring zones for airtightness, irrespective of whether they are in a new, renovated or modernized building. The Minergie standards focus on comfort between the dwelling units and the energy losses caused by infiltration. 
Do zone measurements meet relevant requirements? Which requirements do the zone measurements fail to meet?

Auswertung von Zonenmessungen am Beispiel von Wohnungen

Ziel der Arbeit/Fragestellung 
Für die beiden schweizerischen Energiestandards Minergie-P und Minergie-A werden bei der Luftdichtheit die einzelnen Nutzeinheiten als Messzonen betrachtet, egal ob Neubau oder Erneuerung / Modernisierung. Im Vordergrund steht der Komfort zwischen den Nutzungseinheiten nebst den energetischen Verlusten durch Infiltration. 
Werden bei Zonenmessungen die Anforderungen eingehalten? Welcher Anteil erfüllt die Anforderungen nicht? 

Pressurization time for measuring very airtight buildings and buildings with flexible airtight layers

Purpose of the work 
When dealing with very airtight buildings and buildings with flexible airtight roofing felts it might take several minutes for the differential pressure and air flow to level out after having changed the fan speed. Taking premature readings of the values causes measuring errors. The lecture provides pointers for test teams to avoid such measuring errors. 
