Data exchange is the process by which information is transferred between the engineer and software and between one piece of software and another. Building and plant simulation involves handling large data sets describing constructional details, system components and reference data. The time required to prepare and check the data is significant and is one obstruction to the widespread use of simulation within the design process. Links between drafting systems and analytical tools offer an obvious way to speed up the process and reduce input errors.
In 1995 and 1996 radon concentrations and effective air flows were measured in about 1500 Dutchdwellings built between 1985 and 1993. The goal of this investigation was to describe the trend inthe average radon concentration by supplementing the first survey on dwellings built up to 1984and to quantify the contributions of the most important sources of radon. In the living room of newdwellings the average radon concentration was 28 Bq m-3, which is 50% higher than in dwellingsbuilt before 1970.
Radon concentration in a crawl space remained at the same level during autumn ( 756 Bq m-3 ) and inwinter ( 767 Bq m-3 ) because both air exchange rate and negative pressure (measured across thefoundation wall) increased after a installation of a new ventilation system in the crawl space. Inaddition, relative humidity and water content remained constant in the crawl space air during the sameperiod of time. Radon entry rate was explained by the pressure difference across the crawl space wallwith percentages of 51 % (winter) and 76 % (autumn).
In the study, the factors affecting concentrations of radon vertically lines were surveyed in twolarge office buildings. Integrated concentrations of radon were determined with alpha track etchfilms (2 months) and continuous monitoring (2-6 days) was carried out with Pylon AB-5equipment. The effective air exchange rates were analysed by the tracer gas method with aninfrared analyser and rates of air flows from vents were measured with a thermoanemometer.Pressure differences were measured with a manometer and temperature differences withthermoelements.
The LARES Housing and Health survey conducted in representative samples of eightEuropean towns provides substantial data from 3,373 households about housingconditions and the health of 8,519 residents. We assessed the relation between residentialthermal comfort, weather-tightness, ventilation, mould or dampness and some commondiseases and symptoms. We observed that reporting bad health was significantlyassociated with temperature, weather-tightness and mould or dampness problems.Asthma was significantly linked with mould or dampness, temperature, and ventilationproblems.
An Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger (ETAHE) uses the ground’s thermal storage capacity to dampen ambient air temperature oscillations by delivering the outdoor air to the indoors through a horizontally buried duct. Most ETAHE simulation models assume the airfl
The main objective of the ongoing research project described in this paper was to study the potential forreducing energy used for ventilating buildings by using low-polluting building materials, withoutcompromising the indoor air quality. To quantify this potential, the exposure-response relationships, i.e.the relationships between ventilation rate and perceived indoor air quality, were established for roomsfurnished with different categories of polluting materials and the simulations of energy used forventilation were carried out.
Ventilation strategies play an important role of enhancing thermal comfort, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) andenergy conservation in any conditioned space. Introduced in late 90s, Impinging Jet Ventilation (IJV) isthe system that can utilize stratification, while supplying with high velocity. With this characteristic andthe simplicity of its terminal configuration, IJV has an advantage over well-known DisplacementVentilation (DV) system. In this study, IJV system was investigated for establishing the protocol used inComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation.
Introduced in late 90’s, Impinging Jet Ventilation (IJV) is the system that can utilize stratification, while supplying with medium to high velocity. This characteristic makes IJV easy to be controlled and operated, while room Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can