Measuring Air Change Rates using the PFT Technique in Residential Buildings in Northern Portugal

Portugal has technical recommendations and standards regarding ventilation rates in naturalventilation systems.

Management Of The Time-Distribution Of The Needs For Indoor Air Renewal In Humidity Sensitive Ventilation

Although unanimously acknowledged by the experts for its performances as regards energyeffectiveness and indoor air quality optimisation, humidity sensitive ventilation still too often suffersfrom a lack of knowledge inherent in its singularities. The matter of this article is thus to bring a newlighting on the humidity sensitive ventilation determining airflow rates in the calculations of ductworksdimensioning and in the energy impact related to the air renewal.

Experimental determination of thermal characteristics of lightweight building element with dual ventilated cavities

Available time for building construction is getting shorter, therefore the number of buildings which are built with lightweight building elements (LBE) is increasing. LBEs are elements of greater dimensions with low specific weight and low thermal transmittance. Their characteristic is also low thermal stability. By upgrading LBE with dual ventilated cavities (DVC) with counter flow becomes standard LBE a thermally activated building construction with increased thermal resistance and thermal stability. It enables using of solar radiation and heat recuperation from used air.

Exergy Analysis as an Assessment Tool of Heat Recovery of Dwelling Ventilation Systems

In cold and moderate climates, improvements in building shell insulation and air-tightness imply a shiftin heating loads from transmission and infiltration towards ventilation. Heat recovery from the ventilation airflow plays an increasingly important role in minimising energy needs. Such heat recovery systems rely on the input of electric power (to drive fans, heat pumps, etc.) in order to recover thermal energy. Since electricity input is relatively small compared to the amounts of thermal energy recovered, such systems are efficient from an energy viewpoint.

Assessment of Ventilation’s Control Strategies adapted to Large Buildings

The absolute necessity of air renewal to maintain indoor air quality and thermal comfort in buildingsfaces the major issue of energy consumption reduction and optimisation in building sector. Manystudies carried out so far point out the performances improved thanks to the recourse to ventilationstrategies and control algorithms in the aim of optimising the energy consumption of air renewal, butvery few of them could assess the performances in the particular case of large buildings despite thepotential energy gains it represents considering the great volume and huge air flow rates induced.

Why HVAC Certification for Balancing and Commissioning Contractors is Necessary for VentilationMeasurement, Verification, Validation and Decreased Energy Consumption

This presentation will make the audience aware of the importance of ISO-recognized certificationprograms in the testing adjusting and balancing and commissioning of HVAC systems. ImportantISO 17024 standards will be covered as well as their importance. Many faults have been found inexisting testing adjusting and balancing and commissioning certification programs ranging fromconflicting issues within the organization and their testing procedures; political control over theprocess; inconstant certification methods; geographical differences.

Dynamic Modelling of Both Thermal and Air Quality Conditions in Houses

In this study the COwZ model (COMIS with sub-zones) was modified to allow dynamic simulations ofindoor thermal conditions, humidity and pollutant transport and concentrations throughout wholebuildings. The new version of COwZ may be used to predict the impact of heat supply and ventilation options on indoor conditions, particularly temperature and humidity, over extended periods, with dynamic weather conditions and varying occupant activities.

Development of an Energy Labelling for Ventilation Units

The actions to limit the energy consumption and the electricity demand lead in Europe and inFrance to think about the energy labelling of the consumption of the fans used in ventilationsystems. This is a complicated task as it has to take into account the multiple possibleoperating conditions, the eventual presence of a regulation system and the type of use.A study supported by Ademe has been carried out in order to propose a method for labelling ofthe ventilation units. This study was divided in four phases.

Air Tightness of Ventilation Ductwork Equipped with Joints

The average air tightness of the ventilation ductwork in France is rather poor, corresponding toa 3A class. This is mainly due to air leakage in the fittings. Because of difficulties encounteredduring the implementation as lack of space, access problems or short time to proceed theinstallation, these fittings are not sealed enough, with mastic or adhesive tape.In order to limit this risk of leakage and to limit sealing operations on site, manufacturerspropose components equipped with joints. Some years ago, CETIAT has tested in itslaboratories different kind of such components.

Comparison of indoor aerosol particle concentration and deposition in different ventilated rooms by numerical method

Indoor aerosol particles, their concentration and deposition in displacement, their movements in two ventilated rooms are compared numerically. For the simulation of particle tracks, the discrete trajectory model is adopted whereas the Eularian method is used for solving the continuous fluid flow.
