Moderating indoor conditions with hygroscopic building materials and outdoor ventilation

This paper contains a numerical study of the indoor temperature, humidity, and comfort and indoor air quality conditions in a bedroom located in Saint Hubert, Belgium. The performance of the bedroom is presented for a range of constant outdoor ventilation rates (0.1 ach to 1 ach) with and

Overview of existing guidance and ventilation approaches for control of diesel exhaust inside locomotive facilities

This paper provides an overview of existing guidance, regulations, and design approaches to control diesel exhaust from locomotives operating in buildings. First, design guidance and standards for exposure to major components of diesel exhaust are reviewed. Next, issues regarding engine design, fuel composition, and outdoor emissions control strategies and their potential impact on current and future indoor emissions are discussed. Ventilation approaches that have been implemented in existing facilities are also presented.

Indoor air pollution in urban buildings. A real threat for most of the world population

In developed countries, the concentrations of indoor pollutants are very similar to those outdoors. 3 basic strategies are proposed to reduce occupant exposure to indoor contaminants : 1. Building air tightening and pressure management2. Ventilation and air filtration3. Contaminant removalIn poor countries, the use of advanced ventilation and filtration techniques is not feasible at all, natural ventilation may be one of the more effective solutions

Impact of ventilation strategies on particle deposition in a ventilated room: an experimental and numerical study

The deposit of particles lower than 5µm diameter, depends on the airflow path within the room along with the strength of the ventilation.This parameter has to be taken into account to predict particle indoor air quality. For that study, a numerical model

AIVC/BETEC conference Washington - October 2003 -

This paper is the summary of the 2003 AIVC/BETEC conference with its different parts: Health and Building Science, Building evaluation, Single-building studies, Experimentation, Building science, Strategies and New directions.

Ventilation in a Mosque - an Additional Purpose the Minarets May Serve

A minaret of a mosque, traditionally used as a high platform to deliver adhan (the call forprayer), has greatly lost its functional significance with the invention of loudspeakers. Despiteof being a functionally redundant element, people still like to erect a minaret as a traditionalsymbol, identity and beauty of a mosque.

Indoor air quality in two different commercial buildings: Part 1: ventilation, temperature, humidity of air and gas concentrations

The main objective of this study was to investigate the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in officebuildings and to understand better how HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning)systems work and what their effects are on IAQ over a sustained period. Two Frenchcommercial buildings were chosen, located in urban areas of Lyon and Paris, and for one daya month, over the course of 1 year, a number of IAQ related variables were recorded bothinside, including the HVAC system, and outside the buildings.

Modeling the internal dynamics of energy and mass transfer in an imperfectly mixed ventilated airspace

This paper deals with a modeling approach that combines the classical heat and moisture balance differential equations along with the use of experimental time-series data. This approach provides an ideal form for advanced model-based control system design.

Temperature and ventilation effects on the work performance of office workers (study of a call centre in the tropics)

This paper presents findings from a recent call centre study conducted in an air-conditionedoffice in the Tropics. The effects of temperature and outdoor air supply rate, each kept at twoset points within currently acceptable limits, were explored in a 2 2 balanced experimentaldesign over a 9-week period. The results indicate that both a slightly cooler thermalenvironment and improved indoor air quality improve performance by reducing average callduration. Temperature and outdoor air supply rate were synergistically related to one anotherin affecting operator performance (P < 0.062).

European project HOPE (Health Optimization Protocol for Energy efficient Buildings)

In January 2002, a new European project named HOPE (Health Optimization Protocol forEnergy-efficient Buildings) started with 14 participants from nine European countries. Thefinal goal of the project is to provide the means to increase the number of energy-efficientbuildings, i.e. buildings that are at the same time healthy and low energy users. Reducingenergy use by buildings also reduces CO2 emissions from primary energy used for ventilation,heating and humidity control.
