This research determines chemical substance removal rates of domestic air cleaners using with thepollutant constant-emission test. In previous studies, we have already reported the formaldehyderemoval rates of room air cleaners and the high accuracy of our method for predicting indoor pollutantconcentration. In the present study, the VOCs removal rates of room air cleaners were measured.Gas-phase contaminants were supplied to the environmental test-chamber using a custom-builtemission device. And performance evaluation test was conducted to two kinds of air cleaners.
The concentration of CO2 was measured during driving the automobile and during standing. VOCsconcentration was measured during standing. Two ventilation modes were prepared; 1) all fresh airmode and 2) all re-circulation mode in the car compartment. The windows of the automobile werealways closed during this measurement. The ventilation rate and the airchange rate were determinedby the concentration of CO2.
While various VOCs are known to show neurotoxic effects, the detailed mechanisms of VOCs onautonomic nervous system have not been fully understood partly because objective and quantitativemeasures to indicate neural abnormalities are still under development. Nevertheless, heart ratevariability (HRV) has been recently proposed as an indicative measure of the autonomic defect. In thisstudy, we used HRV as an indicative measure of the autonomic defect to relate their values to thepersonal concentrations of VOCs measured by a real-time VOC monitor.
There are materials and instruments which can be various pollution sources of indoor air quality in aroom. Recently, volatile organic compounds are paid attention as one of main air pollution sources.There are a lot of pollutants in a room else VOCs, therefore it is important to make a comprehensiveassessment of indoor air. We prepared to measure multi-component of indoor air quality. In this report,we described measured results that we measured the Multi-Components of indoor air quality at mainpublic facilities in Sapporo and Nagoya cities.
The purpose of this study is to determine how levels of indoor air quality vary in elementary schools insouthern Japan. This study is based on field monitoring carried out both as short-time summermeasurements?Measurement I?and intermittent monitoring from summer to winter (Measurement II).The concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) were measured in nineteen classrooms inKagoshima City. The measurements also include carbon dioxide (CO2) and the air change rate inselected four classrooms for Measurement II.
The purpose of this study is to determine how levels of ventilation rates and indoor air quality vary in elementary schools in southern Japan. This study is based on field monitoring carried out as intermittent monitoring from summer to winter. The concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and the air exchange rates were measured in four classrooms in Kagoshima City. The measurements also included carbon dioxide (CO2) in a selected classroom with occupancy of the pupils.
This study investigated the sources and concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including formaldehyde in the air of a new office and conference centre building. The building is naturally ventilated, and was designed to demonstrate a number of innovative approaches to environmental design. Occupant surveys have shown a high level of occupant satisfaction with the indoor environment.