This paper presents the concepts of partition by aero-dynamic means; mentions that vertical current partitioning, horizontal current partitioning and displacement ventilation (DV) are the main measures on partition in large spaces; introduces ways of achieving vertical current partitioning, horizontal current partitioning and DV and the former two ways' numerical simulation conclusions.
This paper investigates ventilation characteristics and room airflow distributions in a workstation area of an office building with a personal environmental system. A personal environmental system is generally believed to be able to provide better thermal environment with less heating and cooling energy consumption. An underfloor air conditioning system with and without a desk-mounted PEM (Personal Environmental Module) is compared. A tracer gas experiment using a SF6 gas is performed to measure local supply index and room mean ventilation effectiveness.
The work presented here is a design and implementation of PID control system to regulate a supply duct outlet air temperature in PEM (Personal Environment Module). Simulation is done first to understand the relationship between a temperature distribution in task space, flow rate and the outlet air temperature of PEM. Then a linear dynamic model of heating process of PEM is obtained P, PD, and PID type control systems, to provide the rapid response without overshoot and saturation, are designed and implemented.
Velocity and turbulence intensity profiles of airflow inside a section of Boeing 737 aircraft cabin were measured using PIV technique. The purpose of the measurement was to provide experimental data for the validation of CFD models being developed for evaluation of air quality and thermal comfort. The test section is approximately 5.6 m long, 2.8 m high and 3.4 m wide, holding 18 passenger seats distributed in 3 rows. A thermal manikin that accurately reproduces the geometry and heat generation of a human being was seated in one of the seats to simulate the human body.
Short-circuiting of ventilation air reduces significantly the efficiency of ventilation in diluting and removing contaminants and excess heat. Therefore the prevention of short-circuiting is very significant to consider at the design stage of air distribution in ventilated rooms. The paper reports on results obtained experimentally from both full-scale and small-scale laboratory tests. Air distribution was quantified by measuring the local mean age of air and the air-exchange efficiency using a trager gas technique.
There are basically two ventilation principles that can be utilised in a room: mixing ventilation (denoted MV) and displacement ventilation (denoted DV). In MV, air with high velocity is supplied outside the zone of occupancy, which ideally gives uniform temperature and concentration in the room. In DV, cool air with low velocity is supplied in the lower part of the room. Contaminated air and heat is transported towards the ceiling by the convection currents set up by heat sources, where is is extracted.
The paper shows detailed measurement of the air distribution in a room ventilated by mixing ventilation according to the specifications given by the International Energy Agency work. (Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems programme, Annex 20). It describes a number of flow elements and how they are used as design tools. The flow elements are the throw of an isothermal jet and the change in jet velocity when the jet moves from the upper to the lower part of the room. A third flow element is the penetration length of a non-isothermal wall jet.
At present, the studies of thermal comfort of occupants and indoor air quality are mainly not conducted in an apartment unit, but in a single room. Meanwhile, some factors are not taken into account in the research. Additionally, the energy is in short supply all over the world. So, it is necessary to study the distributions of microclimate primary factors of an apartment with view to energy conservation. The object of our study was to study the thermal comfort of occupants and indoor air quality in an apartment unit.
The complex design, build, maintain and retrofit process has been mapped in order to provide a logical structure and flow for the kitchen design system. The developed prototype kitchen design concept demonstrates the capabilities and requirements of a truly integrated and efficient design process. The design of the professional kitchen environment follows the methodology of the industrial design process. The kitchen layout design and time dependent internal loads are specified through the understanding of a specific restaurant and its food service process.
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the performance of an irregular grids finite volume method described in previous article with the use of standard test problem. In this regard, lid-driven cavity and skewed cavity flow have assessed the accuracy of the algorithm. The ability of the method to handle complex geometry is illustrated through some examples of airflow distribution in buildings with complex geometric configuration.