Birch and grass pollen grains as well as pollen-derived small particles appear as potent allergens in the outdoor air during spring and summer. The occurrence of pollen allergens in indoor air, however, has not been studied in depth due to lack of suitable sampling and analytical methods. Herein; a recently reported "direct on sampling filter estimation" (DOSAFE) technique (Acevedo et al., 1998) has been validated for quantification of pollen allergens in indoor air using two school rooms and two office rooms as experimental models.
Approximately one-third of the primary energy resources are consumed in space heating, cooling, and air-conditioning with a very low exergetic efficiency. The depleting nature of primary energy resources, negative environmental impact of fossil fuels and low exergetic efficiencies obtained in conventional space heating and cooling are the main incentives for developing alternative heating. ventilating, and air-conditioning (HV AC) techniques which can employ low density and inte1rupted energy sources.
In connection with the research programme "Healthy Buildings", a building with indoor air quality problems was selected for further investigations. A Danish town hall was chosen because of many complaints over several years. A full-scale mock-up of a typical town hall office was built in the climate laboratory. A new heating and ventilating system and a new control strategy were chosen and implemented into the town hall.
Various studies on indoor and outdoor particulate matter in the urban environment in the vicinity of busy arterial roads in the centre of the subtropical city of Brisbane have indicated that the revised United States Environmental Protection Agency National Ambient Air Quality Standards (US EPA NAAQS) for P articulate matter PM2.5 could be exceeded not only outdoors but also indoors.
When a person is located in a contaminant field with significant gradients the contaminant field will be modified locally due to the entrainment and transport of contaminated air in the human boundary layer as well as due to the effect of the person acting as an obstacle to the flow field, etc. In this paper personal exposure measurements are performed by means of the Breathing Thermal Manikin. Contaminant concentration is measured in a number of locations in the breathing zone and in the inhaled air.