Heat recovery and the cause of energy efficiency.

What has heat recovery done for the cause or energy efficiency? If some manufacturers or heat recovery equipment are to be believed, the savings in ventilation costs are "quite staggering".

Futile filters.

Standard 62 may hold the answer to the smoking problem, says Ewen Rose

Playing the field.

A US company is using electric fields to remove airborne contaminants. Ewen Rose reports

Roof ice dams. It's not really a roofing problem.

     Nothing highlights construction shortcomings like severe winter storms. Too often, possible problems are neglected during the construction season when winter and its bad weather seem far removed. The winter of 1999 produced many ice dams on shingle roofs in central and eastern Canada. The resulting leaks caused widespread damage to ceilings, walls and interior .furnishings of many homes.     

Fault detection and diagnosis.

The BR E has developed a set of computer-based tools for the management of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems. How can designers and facilities managers use them to improve the performance of buildings?

Predicting mould growth in walls.


Sick building syndrome in an office building formerly used by a pharmaceutical company: a case study.

In the past two decades, a group of health problems related to the indoor environment - generally termed sick building syndrome (SBS) - has emerged. We present an investigation of S BS in employees of a ministry working in a naturally ventilated office building that formerly had been used by a pharmaceutical company. A preceding environmental monitoring had failed to identify the cause(s) for the complaints. We conducted a questionnaire-based investigation and categorized the building sections and rooms according to their renovation status and their former use, respectively.

Solar collector system for heating ventilation air.

The Conserval Perforated Plate Solarwall is a metal solar collector designed to provide preheated ventilation (make-up) air for buildings. The system is intended primarily for industrial applications, but also has potential for commercial and multiresidential buildings with large south-facing walls. In 1991, a 420 m2 Solarwall was erected at the General Motors of Canada Battery Plant in Oshawa, Ontario. This installation reduced energy costs in several ways: by capturing solar energy, by reducing heat loss through the south-facing wall of the building, and by destratifying indoor air.
