Ventilation air intake - first line of defence against an unfavourable outdoor climate.

The ventilation air intake (louver) is the first line of defence against an unfavourable outdoor climate. Unfortunately, the importance of this component is often an underestimated issue in the design process of many heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Field studies and inspections of a representative number of HVAC plants carried out between 1995 and 1998 in and around the city of Trondheim revealed that snow, and in several cases rain, easily passes through the air intake louver. Such intrusion of humidity can lead to unwanted microbial growth in the HVAC system.

Vent-convector - an experimental study.

In mechanical exhaust ventilated buildings in cold climates, the supply air through vents in the perimeter may cause draught and reduce the zone of occupancy. One way to prevent this is to preheat the outdoor air by a vent-convector. An experimental study of the performance of a vent-convector is reported in this paper. Measurements have been conducted in a test room and in a school equipped with vent-convectors. Air flow and pressure drop characteristics were investigated for one type of vent-convector. the temperature variation at a step change of the air flow was also investigated.

High efficiency desiccant systems for air conditioning applications.

Suitable combinations of desiccant and evaporative cooling systems permit air processes alternative to the traditional ones for air conditioning applications. But owing to the high costs of desiccant wheels, we need very strong energy savings in order to demonstrate an economy validity. These savings can be possible today by the last generation of desiccant wheels where the most part of the regeneration heat can be supplied by heat recovery from chillers.

Pressure relationships in hospital critical-care facilities.

This field study was organised to track differential pressure relationships in critical care units of a metropolitan hospital. Maintaining design pressure balances is essential to control risk of airborne disease transmission within these units. the pressure differentials that exist between two patient isolation facilities (positive and negative) and their surrounding spaces were monitored continuously for one week.

Storage and processing oil contamination on new HVAC components: development of measuring methods.

The HVAC components are usually made of galvanised sheet metal which is covered by a corrosion protection and also lubricant oils are used in machine tools in manufacturing of the components or ducts. The aim of this study was to test and develop a consistent method to determine oil concentrations on component surfaces. Two swiping methods and a filter contact method were tested. In al of them the analysis based on IR-spectrometry. The results show that oil concentration is quite high and unequally distributed on the surface of the sheet metal containing corrosion protection oil.

Microbial investigations and allergen measurements in ground-coupled earth-to-air heat exchangers.

Different ground-coupled earth-to -air heat exchangers have been constructed in many residential and occupational buildings in Switzerland to precool or preheat the incoming air. Many technical and energetic facts favour such systems. The objective of this study was to determine if microbial growth occurs within these tubes and if adverse health effects must be considered. The results show large reductions in viable bacteria and spore concentrations along the tubes and very low concentrations in the supply air compared to the outdoor air.

Measurement of air flow rates and ventilation efficiency in air handling units.

Air handling units do not always function as planned: airflow rates are often larger than required, the recirculation rate is not at its set-point value and parasitic shortcuts sometimes decrease dramatically the ventilation efficiency. A dedicated diagnosis, based on the tracer gas dilution technique can easily detect such dysfunction, and help to cure the defects.

Estimation of air exchange rates in Kuwaiti residential buildings.

Air exchange rates of ten residential buildings were measured according to ASTM-E741-83 using SF6 as a decaying tracer. Air exchange rates were also predicted based on the characteristics of the HVAC system, openings (such as windows), leakage areas, pertaining average wind speed, average indoor/outdoor temperature difference and wind and stack coefficients. It was found that measured air exchange rates were higher by 34% than those predicted if the literature coefficients were used.

Design of ventilation routes and indoor air quality in houses using a passive ventilation system.

The feasibility of designing ventilation routes in the house with passive ventilation system is investigated using the numerical experiments and the measurements on its ventilation rates and indoor air quality. As a result, the ventilation design using the used-air in the rooms on the second floor is proved to be one of the simplest ways to keep good indoor air quality. And the required airtight level of the house with the ventilation design is lower than that with the general ventilation design where the air is supplied to every room.
