Formaldehyde (FA) adsorption, including that in the presence of water vapours, has been evaluated on adsorbents of various nature and porous structure. The efficiency of porous adsorbents (active carbons, silica-gels) with a pore size of 2-200 nm, providing rapid adsorption of low FA concentrations from dry air and a high sorption from the FA water mixture, has been demonstrated. Recommendations on the practical use of adsorbents for indoor purification have been given.
Indoor air quality is decreasing year by year. It is very necessary to find a kind of efficient cleaner to improve the indoor air quality. Two kinds of cleaners were tested. Both of them were made in China. Four simulated chambers were used. The research was performed with monitoring and toxicological tests. The results showed the cleaner A absorbed and filtered smoke very fast. But CO and CH2O could not have been absorbed and filtered. Cleaner B either could absorb smoke or could exchange air with outdoor air. The cleaning efficiency of cleaner B is better than that of cleaner B.
Photocatalytic degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOC) with short-wavelength UVlight (254 nm) is an attractive technique in the view of perfect mineralization to CO2. In thisstudy, shorter wavelength of UV light involving 185 nm which generates O3 was used as a lightsource, and as a photocatalyst, titanium dioxide (TiO2) and its mixture with ozonedecomposition catalyst (ODC) was tested to improve photocatalytic activity. Their validity wasevaluated from the removal ratio of toluene by photocatalysis and the size distribution ofgenerated particles by gas-to-particle conversion.
Air cleaners are unitary devices that contain filtration media and fans. They are marketed for cleaning air in rooms. There is no current method for measuring the effectiveness of these devices in rooms of the size where they are typically installed. The proposed method provides engineers and manufacturers with a tool for evaluating and predicting applied air cleaner performance. Test results provide the effective ventilation rate of the device. This rate can be stated in terms of the whole room average, or for specific regions of concern, such as work areas, within the room.
Airborne fungi in indoor air has the possibility to cause the air pollution problems of the fungally infection syndrome and the allergy syndrome, etc. in residence environments. Because the carcass of airborne fungi becomes and allergen, it is difficult to remove the allergen effectively only by mere sterilisation. In this research, the pyrolysis of fungi was examined by using the heat of the high temperature from the heater used the combustion of natural gas.
The performance of a hybrid air-conditioning system which utilises wind-induced cross ventilation is investigated. The characteristics of flow and temperature fields are examined using CFD simulation under various conditions of inflowing outdoor air i.e. air temperature, air exchange rate and width of the opening for cross ventilation. In this simulation, the room air controlling system (VAV system) which is used to keep the task zone at a target temperature is reproduced through changing the supply airflow rate of the air-conditioning system.
The paper presents the results of the tests of two-zone airflow pattern forming in a room with displacement ventilation where various heat sources and various airflow rates were tested. The position of the interface layer between the zones was determined experimentally - on the basis of tracer gas concentration measurement and on the way of calculation - on the basis of the plume model above a point heat source complemented with experiment. The following heat sources were used: a plume simulator, a desk lamp, a computer, a round plate and a human body.
Measurements of ventilation rates and indoor climate parameters were carried out in fiveEstonian residential buildings. The purpose of the study was to investigate potentialdifferences-between residences in former eastern Europe and Scandinavia, as regards theindoor environment. Air change rates were measured both during wintertime and springtime,and the air temperature and relative humidity were monitored both outdoors and indoors overextended periods of time. A variety of both organic and inorganic air pollutants weremeasured using both passive sampling and continuous monitoring.
A number of studies have shown that approximately 1 in 10 hospital in-patients will acquire a nosocomial infection (NI) '*).These infections are associated with significant mortality rates, and have a large economic impact on health care systems. A Department of Health (DoH) study estimated that in acute care hospitals in England 950000 lost bed days and financial costs off 111 million (1986 rates) were associated with NI '3).Through the use of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) lamps it ii possible to achieve a high degree of pathogen disinfection.
The aim of this study is to illustrate the importance of the effects of wind turbulence on airchange in buildings. Using two simple configurations, tested over a short period, twoapproaches are compared.The tests are performed using m experimental house which is filly exposed to the wind.