Natural ventilation activated by induction.

Energy-saving improvements in the thermal properties of buildings often have an adverse effect on indoor air quality, leading to risks of structural deterioration. In these cases, the air change rate inside dwellings must be increased while ensuring that flued gas appliances continue to function correctly. The proposed ventilation system is a cross between natural draught and controlled mechanical ventilation. It activates natural ventilation of the dwelling by means of the induction principle.

The combined wind and stack effects on the induced air flow volume in a two-story building through the investigation of wind velocity, solar insulation, and roof design.

One sixth of the total energy consumed in Taiwan is for building operation, mainly for summer cooling. The energy consumed for summer cooling can be greatly reduced if naturalventilation can be exerted in Taiwanese urban apartments. To explore the feasibility ofapplying stack ventilation in urban apartments during warm season of Taipei, this studyexamines the ventilation volume induced by the combined wind and stack effect in a twostory building.

The air contamination near the buildings and the ventilation effectiveness.

Describes wind tunnel investigations made with Kr as a tracer.

Performance of an advanced air conditioning system during extreme weather conditions in a generator plant.

This technical note considers the performance evaluation of an advanced air-conditioningsystem in a plant manufacturing electrical generators. The extensive field measurements ofthermal climate and indoor air quality were performed during five periods of extreme weatherconditions in 1994-1996. In order to describe the performance of the air-conditioning system,the thermal climate and indoor air quality were determined. The air-conditioning system wasable to maintain the thermal climate within the range recommended in the ISO standard 7730for most of the time.

Natural devices in the urban spaces to improve indoor air climate and air quality of existing buildings.

The role of outdoor spaces’ design as well as the mutual correspondence among urban microclimate, indoor air climate and air quality, have been specifically investigated for the case study of the Central Athens Area. A comprehensive urban design proposal

Method of air parameters control while processing in air-handling units of HVAC systems.

Based on theoretical and experimental tests it was determined that the thermodynamic balancecondition in the working space of air-handling units (AHUs) of heating, ventilating and aircondltioningsystems (HVAC systems) is entirely defined by the humidity potential of thefinal parameters of air and water: @ = constant [1]. This makes it possible to put forward anew thermodynamic method for the analysis and calculation of heat and moisture exchange inAHUs of HVAC systems [2,3].

Horizontal distribution of submicrometre particles from vehicle emissions near a major road: implication for building location.

Particle characteristics in indoor environments are strongly related to the characteristics ofoutdoor particles. The aim of this work was to investigate how submicrometre particle numberconcentration changes with the distance from a road.

Heat and moisture exchange in counterflow rotary air dehumidifier.

This present work has theoretically investigated coupled heat and mass exchangemechanisms in counterflow rotary dehumidifier with the mixed desiccant of LiCl and additives,used in air conditioning systems. Mathematical model has been derived, based on one-dimensionaltransfer model and Polyni potential theory (theory of water chemical potential)and solved, using digital computer. The profiles of temperature and absolute humidity distributionin the matrix have been obtained. Analysis shows, that the direction of mass transfer isopposite to positive water vapour partial pressure.

Error estimation of blower door measurements by computer simulation.

Computer simulation of building airtightness measurements shows the effect of changes inpressure distribution across the building envelope due to wind force and temperature differenceon measurement accuracy. The wide range of leakage distributions, wind directions and velocitiesconsidered give information on the boundaries of these uncertainties. For wind velocities on siteof v(site) ~= 3 m/s, the additional uncertainty in the flow rate at 50 Pa (Q50) found is comparable tothe uncertainty due to standard pressure gauges or operator (about 3%).

Development of a low energy fan convector.

A patented, low energy, fresh air fan convector has been developed by a HVAC equipmentmanufacturer in conjunction with a leading controls supplier and a local University. It canheat, free cool, provide minimum ventilation air and carry out night cooling strategies in anintelligent self contained package. A number of full-scale tests have been carried out on theunit.
