Ventilation control as a function of indoor and outdoor air quality.

The majority of urban pollution is traffic related and often shows daily variations with peaks occurring at rush hours. Poor outdoor air quality can affect the IAQ of local buildings that ventilate with polluted air. This is particularly applicable to buildings where AHU air intakes are at low level and adjacent to busy roads. The effect of pollution peaks can be minimized by ventilation control and this paper presents potential control techniques for periods when outdoor air quality is poor.

Chilled ceiling and beams - BRE research.

There is increased interest in using chilled ceilings and beams for cooling in UK buildings, on account of their perceived advantages over traditional air or chilled water based systems. However, there is currently limited knowledge or experience of the use of chilled ceiling and beam systems in the UK, and there is no proper professional guidance. Designers are particularly concerned to avoid condensation occurring on the exposed cold surfaces that could cause a health problem or lead to the so-called "office rain" effect.

Exposure models for contaminant control decisions involving ventilation.

This paper discusses two complementary techniques for modeling human exposures to airborne contaminants with a focus on control decisions involving ventilation. Particular attention is given to: (I) the use of empirical-conceptual models with dimensional analysis and (2) computational fluid dynamic simulations. Both techniques provide valuable information. An empirical -conceptual model is formulated with dimensional analysis for a spray painting operation.

Air pollution and natural ventilation in an urban building: a case study.

In recent years, increases in pollution emissions resulting from an increase in vehicular traffic have caused great public concern regarding the quality of urban air and its impact on those working in these areas. In buildings this has led to an increase in the installation of air conditioning systems to 'clean' the incoming air. However, with environmental issues in mind such as high energy costs, the related C02 emissions and global warming, designers are increasingly being encouraged to consider natural ventilation as the primary design option.

Energy efficiency building - what is integrated design?

This paper proposes a definition of integrated design in order to improve use and understanding of the term and the concept throughout the construction industry. In particular, the paper considers the topic from an energy efficiency perspective as this plays a central role in design. The definition is supported by a discussion on the design process, and developing a design strategy. This is based on work carried out in editing the CIBSE Guide: Energy efficiency in buildings that will be published in the future.

Design criteria for air filtration in general industrial ventilation.

There has been lack of fact-based knowledge for design and operation of supply-air filters for general industrial ventilation. A multi-company project within the Industrial Ventilation (INVENT) technology programme was started in 1994 to tackle this problem area which is assumed to be the most problematic one, according to the feedback from end-users in several industries, who also made the initiative to this project.

Analysis of painting booths: experiments and CFD simulations.

Application of industrial painting is often carried out by air-atomization. In this case, health hazards arise from the exposure to solid and liquid aerosols as well as to solvent vapors. Control of these airborne pollutants may be achieved through the use of a spray booth, whose effectiveness depends also on the number and dimension of the openings, on the main air flow rate, as well as on the direction and flow rate of secondary air streams.
