The traditional way to dehumidify the outdoor air in a heating, ventilating and airconditioning (ENAC) system is by cooling the air temperature down below the dew point.For this process a refrigeration system is necessary to realise these low temperatures.Nowadays the disadvantages of refrigeration systems are widely known. An alternativemethod to dehumidify the air is by separating the process of dehumidification and cooling.There are different ways to get low supply air temperatures for cooling the indoor spaces.
The moonlike landscape and the heat of the site suggested us the creation of an oasis open to the northern cool breaths from the Northeast and to close our house toward the sun and torrid winds from the South. That's how the idea of a curved wall embracing the house and a patio was born, recalling ancient stone protections for vineyards. · We transformed the stone wall into a complex element, forming a natural air-conditioning chamber which works as a breeze catcher and due to the design of it's different elements, regulates the interior climate of the house.
This paper reports on the analysis of historical wind data from 239 stations in the United States and 146 stations in Canada to derive design wind speeds (95%, 97.5%, and 99%) for the design of smoke control systems. As part of the analysis, the data were thoroughly checked for missing observations, internal consistency, and uniformity of location and measurement height.