The central artery/tunnel project in Boston, Massachusetts.

The Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/I) project, currently under way in Boston, Massachusetts, is the largest interstate highway program in the United States. Estimated at $8 billion, the project will generate more than 50 lane-km of new vehicular tunnels and will accommodate more than 300,000 vehicles per day in design year 2010. A direct result of the planning and design efforts on the CA/I is the Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program, recently completed in a full-size facility in West Virginia.

Street atmosphere is ventilated by solar energy.


Evaluation of summer indoor climate with air movement.

In order to design an environment-conscious house, it is desirable for summer indoor environment, to re-examine thermal conditions warmer than thermal comfort. The role of air movement is important, as it reduces the magnitude of discomfort. This paper discusses the comfort produced by air movement considering two main sensations; coolness and strength of movement, based on results obtained by a series of experiments carried out with five male and five female subjects.

Study on the night-time ventilation for cooling the building having thick walls with outer insulation

Hokkaido is distinguished from the other island of Japan by having colder winters and cooler summers. The average monthly minimum is about -10 °C and summer daily average maximum around 25°C, so that efficient space heating becomes the dominant aspect But on hot days the temperature may reach 35°C, though for short period of time. There are few houses constructed to prevent overheating ID summer. I have designed and built a house for my family ID Sapporo which has cavity walls of concrete blocks insulated with urethane 100mm thick and deeply recessed, but operable widows.

The role of thermal mass in cold climates.


Numerical simulation of indoor environment in large indoor spaces with natural ventilation. Part I: Development of a simultaneous simulation technique for inside and outside airflow of large indoor stadiums.

A purpose of this research work is to study the environmental control in large indoor stadiums which utilize the natural ventilation. In these problems, effects by the airflow in and around the stadium should be analyzed. In this research work, a numerical analysis technique which enables simultaneous simulation of indoor airflow and the airflow around buildings was developed adopting composite grid coordinate calculation technique. In this paper, an outline of this technique is described.

A study on how sash movement affects performance of fume hoods.

This study was conducted to determine how sash movements affect the performance of fume hoods. The performance of two fume hoods was studied as the sashes were moved from closed to open position at speeds of 2 ft/s, 1.5 ft/s, and 1 ft/s. The tests were conducted with fume hoods operated at both constant volume and variable air volume. The tests indicate that sash movements can disturb airflow patterns at the face of the hood and potentially affect the performance of the hood. The effect of the sash movement varied with hood type and speed of sash movement.

CFD simulation of airflows and thermal environment in passive architectures - application to a room with Trombe wall system.

Applicability of CFD simulation to designing passive architectures was investigated using a passive solar room with a Trombe wall system inside it. In the investigation non-steady numerical simulation was performed to predict thermal environment in the test room. Two weather models assuming a typical fine winter day were compared, one was the model based upon the data in Osaka and the other was that in Sapporo. The test room has glazing in the south side wall and in the north side one. Each glazing was covered with an insulating door during night.

The strategic implications for large, dynamically insulated buildings in cities.

The concept of dynamic insulation, where cold air is drawn through porous insulation in a building envelope from outside to inside, thereby returning heat energy normally lost by conduction back into the interior of the building, has been studied by several researchers, in Japan, Europe and Canada. However the work to date has largely concentrated on the physical processes in individual wall, floor or roof elements and only a small number of experimental buildings (all of a small domestic scale) have been adequately monitored.

Thermal effect of sunspace on indoor environment of passive solar house: measurement and computer simulation.

A passive solar house with sunspace made of reinforced concrete was constructed in Sendai, Japan in 1984. One year measurement of room temperatures were recorded. Also, detail measurements have been made during the summer and winter seasons. Further, calculation of indoor temperature was conducted using response factor methods for studying the thermal effects of the sunspace on the indoor environment. This paper describes the measurement and calculation results.
