Significant savings are in the air.

Daikin's heat reclaim ventilation system is bringing massive energy savings without any loss of air conditioning efficiency.

The Irish energy centre.


The dynamic buffer: a mock up in the East.

In ABN 11, "Dynamic Buffer Zone" introduced the topic of the dynamic buffer zone system. This article provides the results of an actual side by side test during an historical building renovation.

Test standards for air filtration.

Concerns surrounding indoor air quality in commercial buildings have focused attention on the need for stringent filter performance testing. The Cl BSE engineer should be aware of several test standards

Experiences with solar air heating in Hungary.

Pilot houses with solar air heating systems were and are being erected in Hungary by the ''THERMO Ltd." Company. This project had two goals: to adapt the OM concept as a whole, including the thermal properties of the building itself, and to check the performance of the elements of the OM system applied on houses, built according to the local standards and practice. The experiences of a building, built according to the local standards and practice are briefly presented in the paper.
