A technique for controlling air flow through modified Trombe walls.

This paper describes an experimental investigation into the operation of a modified Trombe wall. The construction has been altered to include a layer of insulation material; two alternative positions for this insulation layer have been considered and tested. Air flow from the top of the Trombe wall has also been enhanced by the inclusion of a low power axial flow fan which was controlled to function dependent on measured temperature in the wall cavity.

A control system that prevents air from entering an air-handling unit through the exhaust air.

Traditional air-handling unit (AHU) control systems link the position of the exhaust air damper, recirculation air damper, and outdoor air damper. Tests at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on a variable-air-volume (VAV) AHU have shown that air can enter the AHU through the exhaust air damper. This can negatively impact indoor air quality if the exhaust air duct is located near a pollution source. This paper presents a new control system for variable air volume AHU's that use volume matching to control the return fan.

Determination of air change rates - use of tracers.

One of the main aspects determining the thermal behaviour of buildings concerns the distribution and circulation of air. Experimentation was undertaken in the context of the investigation of a method of measurement of the natural ventilation of large rooms. The first objective was to endeavour to characterise the atmospheric conditions around the building, namely, conditions related to wind factors, but also those concerned with the location of the building in relation to neighbouring obstacles (other buildings, relief of the ground, etc).
