Cooling and ventilation of a high-speed ground transportation system.

This paper presents the special needs and difficulties concerning cooling and ventilation of the SwissMetro high-speed ground transportation system. SwissMetro is based on four complementary technologies: a complete underground infrastructure, a partly evacuated tunnel system to reduce the aerodynamic drag of the vehicle with a maximum speed between 400 and 500 km/h, linear electric motors and a magnetic levitation and guiding system. Due to high internal and external heat loads permanent cooling and air-conditioning of the vehicle is required.

Computerised methods for balancing ventilation systems.

Adequate ventilation with the "right amount of air, to the right place and at the right time" are important factors for achieving a good indoor climate. Thus it is of prime importance that the ventilation system is working properly. Using traditional methods, it is a very time consuming, and some times even impossible, task to balance ventilation systems to achieve correct air distribution. In most countries the growing concern about Indoor Air Quality has resulted in Building Codes demanding increased ventilation rates.

Comparison of indoor levels of radon between workplaces and homes located nearby in different parts of Finland.

The aim of this study was to compare the radon levels at workplaces and in homes located nearby. Homes (number of 57) and partly or fully underground workrooms (number of 55) have been studied at the four workplaces in southern Finland and one workplace in northern Finland. Radon concentrations both at workplaces and in homes seemed to be at the same level in the same district. The mean radon concentration in workrooms was 406 Bq.m³, and in homes concentration was 398 Bq.m³.

Comparison of different methods of incorporation of stochastic factors into deterministic models of indoor air quality.

The paper will discuss problems connected with incorporation of stochastic factors into deterministic models of indoor air quality. Three different methods: a quasi dynamic multi-zone modelling with generating of input data time series, multi-zone modelling based on the theory of stochastic differential equations, Monte-Carlo simulation with independent random generating of stochastic parameters, will be shortly presented. Described methods are compared on the base of computer simulation of CO2 concentration in simple two compartment office.

Checking of ventilation rates by CO2 monitoring.

The present paper presents results from measurements of outdoor airflow rates and air change rates carried out simultaneously with measurements of the indoor concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) . The measurements were made both under controlled laboratory conditions and in the field. The field experiments were performed in a conference room, an assembly hall and an office room, and the laboratory investigation was carried out in a 19 m³ test chamber.

AIOLOS: Creation of an educational structure on the use of passive cooling ventilation techniques for buildings.

AIOLOS is a project partly financed by the European Commission, DG XVII for Energy, within the frame of the ALTENER programme. The purpose of the project is the creation and dissemination of educational material on the use of passive ve~ltilationc ooling systems and techniques as applied in buildings. All information will be coupled with the problems of passive solar heating, daylighting and visual comfort. The project is oriented to South European but also North European countries with moderate climate presenting cooling problems.
