Residential mechanical ventilation systems: performance criteria and evaluations.

The performance of mechanical ventilation systems has been checked in several innovative residential houses in the frame of Swiss research as well as pilot and demonstration projects. This paper gives a list of performance criteria for the ongoing comparison and evaluation of these mechanical ventilation systems. For some criteria, target values are proposed. In the second part, this paper shortly describes four residential buildings with mechanical ventilation systems where such evaluations were performed and highlights interesting design features and results from the measurements.

Reducing draught problems in the cold working rooms.

This study is done by order of a Finnish air cooler manufacturer and it is founded to a master's thesis of the same subject matter. The company produces e.g. unit air coolers with electric fans and so the aim of the study was to reduce draught problems caused by cold air jets.

Particulate pollution interactions with indoor surfaces: measurement and modelling for risk assessment and contaminant control.

In the urban environment, there is strong evidence that fine particulates associated with vehicular emissions are linked with respiratory problems and an increase in mortality. The population sector most at risk is the elderly who spend much of their time indoors; consequently, the infiltration of these particles and their subsequent behaviour indoors is of primary concern.

Optimum ventilation and airflow control in buildings?

Air quality, air flows in buildings, and ventilation are most important topics. Good air quality is however critically dependent also on other things than ventilation, e. g. source strengths, as is well known. The theme of our conference could also lead to the assumption that there is a simple connection between ventilation and air quality. As the public tend to see ventilation systems as responsible for bad air quality, it is important to state that there is no general criterion for good air quality possible to use in practice to control ventilation processes.

Modelling the influence of outdoor pollutants on the indoor air quality in buildings with airflow rate control.

Low emitting building materials have contributed to the reduction of indoor air contaminants, and in many countries gas ranges and gas cookers are rarely used. As a result, in buildings located in urban environments, a considerable part of the contaminants in the indoor air may originate from the outdoor air. In urban areas buildings are exposed to high concentrations of a large number of contaminants, especially during traffic peak hours.

How effective is natural ventilation? A study of local mean age of air by modelling and measurement.

A condition often assumed when designing a naturally ventilated building is where air enters at low level and leaves at high level due to the stack effect. It then follows that, at upper levels, the air may be relatively 'stale' since it has previously passed through the lower storeys. An analogous situation may arise when wind is blowing, in which the air entering through the windward face becomes stale as it passes through the building to the downwind sections. It is not well understood how ventilation may, in reality, be affected by this.

French ventilation system performances in residential buildings.

The comparison of the performances of ventilation systems must take into account different issues. For indoor air quality, different kinds of pollutant sources have to be defined. To make an evaluation of the results, the best approach is to consider the people exposure. Four generic pollutants are taken into account : rooms components or furniture, human metabolism, cooking activities, passive smoking. As the definition of the unit for each pollutant is free, it is useful for their comparison to press them on a common "normalised" basis.

Experiments in natural ventilation for passive cooling.

A naturally ventilated three level office building has been used to study basic stack ventilation configurations and the interaction between ventilation and the subsequent cooling of the building structure in summer. The research was performed in the framework of a European project on passive cooling of buildings and the objective was to validate simple ventilation algorithms and to give an experimental basis to design guidelines for night cooling techniques.

Efficiency characterisation of various ventilation configurations.

The study concerns the ventilation of a parallelepiped shape room by means of several systems whose supplying and extracting methods differ, so the different thermic conditions applied to limits. To qualify the efficiency of each of these systems in relation with the various current criteria, we carried out measurements by means of a tracer gas, both with a transitory and a permanent flow. At the same time, numerical simulations were carried out by means of a CFD code which solves the equations of the fluids mechanic, material and heat transfers associated with flows.

Design guidelines for ventilation system for pollution control in large, semi-enclosed bus terminus.

In response to complaints about poor air quality in bus termini, the Hong Kong Government is considering imposing legislative control over ventilation system design and operation of bus termini in Hong Kong. However, there are, as yet, no relevant air quality criteria and ventilation system design guidelines for Hong Kong. In this paper, measured air quality data for 5 semi-enclosed bus termini are reviewed. This provides a picture of the prevalent air quality in bus termini.
