Ventilation and body odor.

A total of 200 experiments on evaluation of body odour were performed in two identical auditoria at the Technical University of Denmark at ventilation rates of 0.4-26 l/s/person, with an air space per occupant of 4-21 m3 and with air temperatures of 17-26 deg C. Ten minutes before the end of each 35 minute lecture period 10 judges entered the space and were questioned concerning their acceptance of body odour. They were also asked to evaluate the odour intensity on a fixed scale.

Air infiltration and indoor air quality - a critical review.

Covers the factors affecting air infiltration and indoor air quality, the utility of existing air infiltration models, and the ideal and practical requirements of a relevant indoor air quality model that could be used as a tool for management of atmosphere in tightly enclosed residential spaces.

Radon-222 and 222Rn progeny concentrations measured in an energy-efficient house equipped with a heat exchanger.

Radon-222 and 222Rn progeny concentrations, barometric pressure and pressure differentials between inside and outside were measured continuously in the basement of a recently constructed energy-efficient house in metropolitan Denver, Colorado

Wind loads on low-rise buildings: a review of the state of art.

This paper reviews the most recent research on wind loads on low-rise buildings. Novel measurement techniques and methodologies are reviewed, and selected experimental results from various studies are presented. Particular emphasis is given to works aimed at the formulation of codified data, ie,results appropriate for incorporation into design standards and codes of practice. Only either full-scale studies or those done under conditions simulating the earth's atmospheric boundary layer have been considered. Comparisons between full-scale and laboratory results are discussed.

Transient analysis of the thermal and moisture conditions in wall constructions with additional thermal insulation

A transient simulation method TRATMO with applications to the analysis of the hygrothermal behaviour of timber frame constructions with additional thermal insulation is discussed. This method makes it possible to evaluate the hygrothermal behaviour with respect to risks of mouldering since it gives simultaneous information on moisture content and temperature at certain sections of the construction. Based on the computer simulations and experiments a number of practical aspects to be considered in additional thermal insulation of timber frame constructions are introduced.

Thermal effect of air flows and moisture in exterior wall structures

This paper discusses the thermal effects of air flows, and some aspects of the influence of moisture and moisture transfer on the thermal performance of a structure. Mathematical and physical modelling of simultaneous coupled heat and mass transfer in porous materials based on the volume averaging technique has been used to analyze these phenomena.

Energy efficient renovation of houses.

Suggests draughtproofing and installation of controllable ventilation when retrofitting older residential buildings in the UK. Use of extract fans to remove moisture at source is recommended. The energy savings obtained in four case studies are presented.

Precast panel wall assemblies

Discusses control of condensation, and moisture transfer through walls. Various air pressure barriers are suggested to control leakage. One-, two- and three-stage joint methods of wall construction are compared.

Determination of reference wind for the calculation of heat losses associated with change of air in buildings. Determination du vent de reference pour le calcul des deperditions thermiques liees au renouvellement d'air des locaux.

Describes a method to estimate differences in external pressure values between walls from known mean pressure coefficients on the facades and roof of the building in question and from the determination of wind values on the site and at the same height as the building.

Window air leakage performance as a function of differential temperatures and accelerated aging

The current industry standard for measuring air leakage of windows, curtain walls, and doors is ASTM E283. This test measures the ability of fenestration products to resist air leakage under ideal laboratory conditions which usually are at s
