Evaluation of the perfluorocarbon tracer technique for determining infiltration rates in residences.

A simple means for determining air infiltration rates into homes and buildings for assessment of indoor air quality and energy conservation measures, based on a passive perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) technique, was evaluated in a well-defined environmental chamber under experimental conditions of 1) constant temperature and ventilation rate, 2) constant temperature, variable ventilation
rate, and 3) variable temperature, constant ventilation rate.

The use of a computational method to assess the safety and quality of ventilation in industrial buildings.

Industrial buildings, particularly those containing nuclear and process plant, often require high standards of ventilation in order to cope with unusual features of the operations or process which take place within the buildings.

Energy conservation in commercial greenhouses operated in cold climates

The primary objective of this paper is to show the distribution of heat losses in prairie commercial greenhouses of various constructions and to suggest and test methods of energy saving. Seventy five percent of the total heat loss is through the roof of a glass greenhouse. This can be significantly reduced by adding an extra layer of polyethylene preferably in the area where lower lightlevels can be tolerated.

Comparison of non-smokers' and smokers' perceptions of environmental conditions and health and comfort symptoms in office environments with and without smoking.

1100 branch members of the New York branch of the Office and Professional Employees International Union working in nine office buildings filled out a detailed questionnaire on working conditions and health comfort complaints. 

The effects of sealed office buildings on the ambient environment of office workers.

A review of 116 investigated incidents of building illness among office workers in North America and 27 buildings selected for investigations for reasons other than building illness has recently been completed. 

Effects of different ventilation parameters on indoor pollutants.

For controlling and for setting ventilation standards to maintain acceptable indoor air quality, it would appear to be of greatest importance to determine the strength of relationships between contaminant concentrations on one hand and different rates of ventilation and how these rates are expressed on the other.

Measurement of combustion products from a gas cooking stove in a two-storey house.

Tests were conducted in Ottawa during the winter of 1982/83 to investigate the effects of a gas cooking stove in the kitchen of an energy-efficient two-storey test house. Products of combustion: NO, NO2, CO and CO2, were measured in the kitchen, living room and bedroom in order to relate theinfluence of air infiltration and kitchen hood exhaust operation to the levels of air contaminants. Tests were also conducted, using the enclosed kitchen as a test chamber, to establish the values of emission rate for CO, NO and NO2and of reactivity for NO and NO2.

Interrelations among different ventilation parameters and indoor pollutants.

Measures of a number of ventilation parameters and of a number of pollutants from 21 locations furnished data for evaluating interrelations among commonly used descriptors of ventilation as well as their relation to frequently measured indoor gaseous and particulate pollutants.

Discussion of 'Radon transport into a detached one-story house with a basement'.

The interpretation of the data presented in the named article (by Nazaroff W W et al, NO 1767) is extended to develop an improved model that can be used to predict radon concentrations in the single family house tested and possibly inothers as well. In particular, a more complete set of low sump activity data has been replotted.

Multizone infiltration measurements in homes and buildings using a passive perfluorocarbon tracer method.

A miniature passive perfluorocarbon tracer system was successfully applied to the determination of air infiltration and exfiltration rates from each zone of a multizoned structure, as well as the air exchange rates between zones inhomes, multiple unit condominiums, naturally ventilated apartment buildings, and large commercial buildings with multiple air-handling systems. Use of the multizone technique in indoor air quality assessments and air-handling system stratification studies appears to be quite feasible with the availability of this measuring system.
