Indoor radon levels: effects of energy-efficiency in homes.

The expectation of elevated 222Rn levels in modern homes that have low air interchange rates with the outdoor air led to a survey of both conventional and solar homes in northeastern New York State. As a group, homes that are more airtight ha

Energy use, infiltration, and indoor air quality in tight, well-insulated residences.

Two bi-level houses in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, of identical design and construction were studied to determine the relationships among air exchange, energy consumption, and indoor pollutants. The experimental house was retrofitted and equip

Radon: a bibliography.

This literature survey contains references pertaining to the physical properties of radon and its daughters, instrumentation for their measurement, health effects, surveys and measurements, and regulatory information.

Linford low energy houses.

The Linford project involved designing, building and monitoring 8 low energy passive solar houses. The houses were insulated to current Danish Regulation standards. Seven occupied and 1 unoccupied test house were monitored over two years.

Indoor air pollution.

Discusses strategy for dealing with indoor air pollution in office and similar buildings, including verification of the mechanical ventilation system, measurement of building pressure, problems due to stack effect, presence of moisture. Suggests that the causes and cures of indoor pollution are diverse and surprisingly simple. Mechanical ventilation systems should be less complex, have dynamic stability and correct uncontrolled excessive moisture.

Temperature- and wind-induced air flow patterns in a staircase. Computer modelling and experimental verification.

The typical infiltration load for a residential building has been found to range from one-third to one-half of the total space conditioning load. However, most infiltration measurements have been made on single-family houses. 

Radon concentrations and infiltration rates measured in conventional and energy-efficient houses.

To elucidate any connection between high radon concentrations and low-infiltration houses, the 222Rn concentrations and infiltration rates have been measured concurrently in US houses. Three housing surveys have been undertaken: one in energy-efficient houses located throughout the US and twoin conventional houses in the San Francisco area and in Maryland. In each of the groups surveyed, no clear correlation was observed between 222Rn concentrations and infiltration rate, although each parameter varied over a wide range.

Moisture removal characteristics of heat recovery ventilation systems utilizing a sensible rotary heat exchanger and comparison with stationary heat exchanger systems.

Increased air tightness in new energy-efficient housing has led to serious problems with excessive indoor moisture in winter as well as with other trapped indoor air contaminants. Heat recovery ventilation systems are being used increasingly

Air infiltration in warehousing and light industrial buildings. A research report.

Addresses air leakage of warehouses and light industrial buildings including the significance of infiltration/exfiltration, air leakage sites, and measurement techniques. Concludes that 1, only limited leakage data are available for components of this building category 2, no model has been developed specifically for use in warehousing and light industrial buildings. However, one of the existing models for residential buildings could possibly be adapted.

Measuring background leakage in domestic buildings.

Describes the first stage of a project to study domestic background leakage. Fundamental flow measurements have verified the crack flow equation for the simplest crack type for a much larger range of crack and flow parameters than have previously been examined. It is hoped to develop a portable, automated pressurization system capable of identifying and quantifying background leakage areas in rooms.
