Development of a simplified multizone infiltration model.

Several infiltration models treat the complexity of air flows in multizone buildings, but most of them are written as research tools and are not generally available or user-friendly. Professional engineers and architects are in need of a simplified multizone infiltration model. This paper describes the first step in Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's development of a multizone infiltration model for calculating the air flow distribution of a building without using any iteration procedure.

Design for ventilation.

Ventilation can be advantageous as opposed to adventitious and, with careful building design, can eliminate the need for air conditioning in summer. This paper discusses the general principles of design for ventilation, inparticular the removal of excess heat, and presents two examples of buildings designed to eliminate air conditioning. One is a deep plan office block, the other an exhibition hall. In both cases ventilation models featured strongly in the design.

Continuous air renewal measurements in different inhabited buildings.

A Compact Equipment for Survey of Air Renewal (CESAR) was developed at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland. Controlled by a microcomputer, this apparatus uses tracer gas methods ( decay, continuous flow or constant concentration). Up to ten different locations in inhabited rooms can be monitored simultaneously over extended periods of time, using mainly the "constant concentration" technique. Several air renewal surveys were carried out on different inhabited buildings.

Air quality and energy conservation by different ventilation strategies.

The increasing awareness that indoor air quality aspects may restrict energy conservation by infiltration and ventilation measures has led to extensive investigations of different ventilation strategies. Aiming at a reduction o f energy consumption air infiltration and ventilation rates have t o be minimized. But in order to maintain healthy, safe and comfortable conditions for the inhabitants and to avoid damages to the building fabric the outdoor a i r supply should not remain under minimum ventilation rates.

Advanced energy-efficient ventilation.

It is often stated that advanced ventilation or air conditioning is expensive or energy-wasting. There are, however, several examples of highly energy-efficient air conditioning systems in industrial, commercial and public buildings. Energy-efficiency can be achieved by - optimizing air flows or demand-controlled ventilation - avoiding simultaneous heating and cooling (except if "free") - advanced automatic control system - good operation and maintenance The performance of ventilation and air-conditioning depends on several factors in the building process.

A passive ventilation system under trial in UK homes.

A passive ventilation system has been installed in four new houses: it comprises simple ducts which lead up from the kitchen and bathroom to outside near the house ridge and utilise the wind and the temperature difference between inside and outside (the stack effect) as driving forces. During occupation the system provided a consistent background ventilation rate: the flows dropped only when it was warm and calm outside (when other ventilation measures might be taken by the occupier); when it was very cold and windy outside the system did not over extract but appeared to self-throttle.

Air sealing homes for energy conservation - second draft. Etancheisation des maisons aux fins de l'economie d'energie - deuxieme version.

Describes air sealing of existing homes by sealants, weatherstripping, air-vapour barriers, and other techniques. Discusses principles of air exchange, moisture movement, air sealing, control of indoor air quality, and combustion air. Identifies procedures for assessing air sealing measures in individual houses. Describes materials for air sealing and their applications.

The effects of re-insulation on 8 houses in Ottawa. A research report.

Experimental measurements have been conducted on eight houses in the Ottawa area to study the changes induced in house performance when loose-fill insulation is installed in walls. The report presents details on the induced changes in furnace performance, house airtightness, temperatures, humidity levels and position of the neutral pressure plane. ECAP (Enhanced Conservation Assistance Program) auditing procedures were applied to the houses, and the predicted fuel consumptions showed a considerable disagreement with actual values.

Linford low energy houses. Project summary.

The Linford project involved the design, construction and monitoring of 8 low energy houses in Milton Keynes. The houses were insulated to current Danish Regulation standards and incorporated several passive solar features. Seven occupied and

The effects of re-insulation on some houses in Winnipeg. A research report.

Energy-related variables were monitored in six detached houses in Winnipeg, Manitoba, before and after the houses were retrofitted by re-insulating the exterior walls and ceiling, or walls only, with blown loose-fill glass-fibre or cellulose
