Wind pressure on elementary building forms evaluated by model tests.

Describes tests made to find wind pressure on models in a low-velocity wind tunnel. Three basic forms:- a semi-cylinder, a rectangular vertical wall and a block-type gabled building were tested at several different angles to the wind. Gives typical pressure patterns for block-type model. Suggests use of average pressure coefficient for calculation of wind loads determined from pressure distribution. A short series of tests on the effect of shielding building showed that negative pressure on some walls could be increased by an adjacent building.

The measurement of air infiltration through metal-framed windows.

Describes test rig used to measure air leakage through a metal framed window. Gives average of results of leakage for different air pressure. Finds leakage rate of 20 cu. ft/h/ft for air velocity of 30 m.p.h. which was generally less than published results.

Determination of combined air infiltration and ventilation rates in a nine-story office building.

Reports measurements of ventilation rates made in a nine-story office building. Two methods were used; tracer gas decay rate using sulphur hexafluoride and a direct method when air flow rates through roof vents and exhaust units were measured. Gives summary of results and finds good agreement between the two methods.

Reducing heat loss through window retrofitting

Provides table showing that annual heat loss through windows in U.S. accounts for about 5% of total energy consumption, or around 1.5 times energy derived from oil transported by alaskan pipeline, costing $30 billion annually. Describes relatively simple window treatment to eliminate substantial portion of thisloss which involves tightly sealed, interior-applied insulating panels. Demonstrates how performance of several such systems was predicted and verified by standard test methods.

A wind tunnel investigation using simple building models to obtain mean surface wind pressure coefficients for air infiltration estimates.

Detailed sets of time-averaged surface pressure coefficients were recorded over the walls and roof of a rectangular building model, set in a simulated high density urban area. The 1/400 scale model represented a generalized smooth surfaced building of 100x150 ft plan form, whose height varied from 300 ft to 200,100 and 50ft. Surrounding roughness elements equalled the heightof the 50ft, building model. Tests were carried out at twelve wind angles using a power low velocity profile with an exponent of 0.43.

Airtightness - measurement and measurement methods Matningar och matmetoder for lufttathet

Describes methods of measuring the air tightness of whole buildings. Outlines three tracer gas methods; constant concentration; decreasing concentration and constant emission. Describes pressurisation method. Describes measuring equipment and test procedure and discusses calculation of ventilation rateand error magnitudes. Gives brief summary of measured results and an appendix contains a print-out of data on the airtightness of houses.

Wind pressure measurements on bluff bodies in natural winds.

Presents results of measurements of fluctuating wind pressures on prisms of square and rectangular section mounted on the rooftop of a 4-storied building. Describes models and experimental methods. Finds pressure fluctuations of thewindward side are subject to the influence of wind turbulence. Negative pressure on leeward side is relatively stable exceptwhere strong vortices are being shed Very high negative pressures were observed intermittently along the edges of a top board.
