Theoretical model for relating indoor pollutant concentrations to those outside.

Discusses in detail a general ventilation model, which relates indoor pollutant concentrations to those outside. When the time interval associated with changes in the outdoor concentration islong compared to that required either to change the air within the building or to remove the pollutant by internal means, the indoor concentration of pollutant can be related to the outdoor concentration by means of a simple expression. Finds good agreement between theory and experiment. Suggests method for reducing indoor ozone levels in California.

Well insulated airtight buildings, energy consumption, indoor climate, ventilation and air infiltration.

Reports study of indoor climate-primarily air quality-and energy consumption in a number of detached houses in a group housing area. All the houses were pressure-tested over three years; 1977-1980 and a relatively larger increase in air leakage was measured after the houses had been occupied for approximately one year. Suggests this is due to the drying out of timber, producing cracks. Two types of houses, a and b were investigated when studying indoor climate. both were mechanically ventilated.

Natural ventilation and energy consumption

Gives preliminary report of a study of natural ventilation and energy consumption in low-cost housing. The study includes the measurement of infiltration rates using tracer gas, pressure differences across outside walls, indoor and outdoor temperatures, air tightness of external walls and the position of windows and doors. Outlines future studies and gives preliminary conclusion that making houses more air tight can save energy.

Consideration of the requirements of air-renewal in rooms taking into account the sealing requirements of windows. Betrachtung der Anforderungen an die Lufterneuerung in Raumen unter Berucksichtigung der Dichtigkeits-anforderungen an Fenster

Considers the rate of natural ventilation required in a room to maintain a healthy concentration of oxygen given the efficient sealing of windows against draughts. Includes a nomogram toassist the calculation of a rate of air introduction according to the height of the building, wind loads, and type of window construction.

Field air infiltration performance of new residential windows.

Reports on a project to assess the air infiltration performance of new residential windows and compare field test results with anticipated performance. Supporting tests and techniques included air leakage tests of windows in the factory, leakage testing of the window/wall installation crack and infrared thermography of test conditions. Tests were also run to determine performance of new windows during cold weather, the possible change in performance over time, the performance of fixed sash and of old and retrofit windows. Presents results of pilot study.

How to build a superinsulated house.- Cold weather edition.

Gives instructions for constructing a super-insulated house. Describes installing insulation, vapour barriers, shutters and an air-to-air heat exchangers. Outlines ways in which heat islost from a house and the problems of conventional structures.

Ventilation in buildings.

Gives regulations and performance guidelines for the ventilation of buildings. Includes guidelines for air quality and gives recommended supply and return air volumes for different rooms of a building.

Influence of air movement on building envelope thermal performance.

Examines the influence of air movement on the thermal performance of the building envelope by identifying and discussing the mechanisms of 8 distinctive air movement paths. These are; convection from interior air to interior surface ; convecti

Window design Fonsterteknik.

An exhaust fan apparatus for assessing the air leakage characteristics of houses.

Describes portable apparatus used to measure the air leakage of houses. A fan is used to exhaust air from the house and the air flow rate is measured. The air flow rate and corresponding pressure difference across the building can then be used to evaluate the relative air tightness to the house. The fan pressurization test equipment is portable, inexpensive and simple to operate. Describes test procedure and gives a few examples of house characteristic curves.
