The purpose of this paper is to explain the indoor thermal radiation environment of the human body in detail. Using a 3-D human body model, shape factor calculations between a human body and surroundings are executed. First, the shape factor between the human body and each surface of the room is calculated. The human body is placed in the center of the room. The shape factor results are visualized by VRML. Generated VRML images indicate the influence of thermal radiation, which the human body receives from the room surfaces.
This paper presents "Scythe and Sew", a software environment for analyzing lighting simulation data. It provides a spreadsheet like infrastructure for manipulating high-dimensional simulation results. It allows users to both import and create lighting simulation data, or patterns, into a workspace for inspection. A composition area allows the user to perform algebraic operations on the patterns to obtain new insight into the data.
Two room air conditioners were modeled in order to predict the total cooling capacity, the sensible cooling capacity and the Energy Efficiency Ratio (E.E.R.) of each appliance. The mathematical correlations obtained were written in terms of room air wet bulb temperature and outdoor-side dry bulb temperature.
The validation and development of turbulence models are still important issues related to Computa- tional Fluid Dynamics for ventilation purposes. The present work continues the work initiated by (Voigt, 2002). Four turbulence models are reviewed, the k-e model, the k-w model and two blending models combining the k-e and the k-w model. The reason for testing the blending models is that the k-e model is the most robust, while the k-w model gives a bet- ter prediction of the size of the recirculation zone occurring in the Annex 20 room, see (Voigt, 2002).
Radiant heating and cooling, including building component embedded systems, have become a common heating and/or cooling technology in the recent few years. Some currently available building simulation programs have the ability to model these systems. Some others do not, but users have developed their way of modeling by using the program’s limited possibilities. A systematic and complete validation with enough diagnostic power for this type of problem was missing to date. This was developed in the frame of IEA Task 22 'Building Energy Analysis Tools'.
Four areas in Texas have been designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as non-attainment areas because ozone levels exceed the NAAQS1 maximum allowable limits. These areas face severe sanctions if attainment is not reached by 2007. Four additional areas in the state are also approaching national ozone limits (i.e., affected areas)2. In 2001, the Texas State Legislature formulated and passed Senate Bill 5 to reduce ozone levels by encouraging the reduction of emissions of NOx by sources that are currently not regulated by the state3.
The international building physics toolbox (IBPT) is a software library specially constructed for HAM system analysis in building physics. The toolbox is constructed as a modular structure of the standard building elements using the graphical programming language Simulink. Two research groups have participated in this project. In order to enable the development of the toolbox, a common modelling platform was defined: a set of unique communication signals, material database and documentation protocol. The IBPT is open source and publicly available on the Internet.
A preliminary investigation is made into the global variation in irradiance under the Clear, the Intermediate (partly cloudy) and the Overcast sky conditions (Nakamura et. al., 1986, 1987). A formula for global irradiance is proposed as a function of solar altitude and geographical altitude (height above the sea level) under each of the conditions based on measured data. These formulae can be used to estimate the cumulative global e over a year for any location given the daily sky conditions.
It is necessary for fire safety that in case of a flash-over situation, the windows in the outer skin would break very fast and before the windows in the inner façade would break, so that the model of Law is valid in which case the NEN 6068 could be applied. The wind blows towards the building for a worst- case situation. Computational Fluid Dynamics (2D) is used for calculating convective heat transfers assuming a specific heat source for the fire. WINFIRE is used for the predicting of radiation.
In this study, formulae for predicting projected area factors and view factors of individual body parts of standing and sedentary humans for detailed radiation analysis were developed. For this purpose, detailed geometry models of the human body were generated representing an average subject with a height of 1.75 m and a DuBois’ area of 1.83 m2. Thermal analysis software incorporating advanced, voxel-based ray tracing techniques and regression analysis were deployed to model the local projected area factors of humans exposed to direct and diffuse solar radiation.