Numerical modelling and thermal simulation of phase change materials with Esp-r

The aim of the presented work is to refine the ESP-r system by incorporating phase change materials (PCM) modelling. The behaviour of PCMs is modelled using ESP-r’s special materials facility. The effect of phase transition is added to the energy balance equation as a latent heat generation term according to the so-called effective heat capacity method. Numerical simulations were conducted for a multi-zone, highly glazed and naturally ventilated passive solar building. PCM impregnated gypsum plasterboard was used as an internal room lining.

Modelling thermal comfort for tropics using fuzzy logic

Present  international  standard  for  thermal  comfort such as ASHRAE Standard 55 and ISO 7730 were developed to serve as a guideline for moderate thermal environments e.g. mechanically air- conditioned spaces [CEN ISO 1995]. Recent thermal comfort studies had reported that some discrepancies were observed in its application for Naturally Ventilated (NV) buildings in hot and humid tropical climate [Feriadi 2003]. The standard  failed  to take into considerations tolerance and different perception of thermal comfort from different environmental setting.

Modelling and simulation of physical ambient factors: noise and wind in tropical climate - contribution to optimized urban forms

In tropical humid climate, thermal environment can be controlled using natural ventilation. But this technic raises the problem of acoustic comfort. Some technical devices coping with aeraulic and acoustic comfort constraints exist but they are not suitable in all economic context. Thus the urban research is exploring built configurations performances for future urban planning. This article  presents an exploratory simulation method of these physical parameters, and analyses results of two guadeloupean urban fabric tests.


Modelling and simulation of a room with a radiant cooling ceiling

This paper describes modelling and simulation of a space with radiant cooling ceiling (CC). The computer model represents a      test chamber,  which is located in a laboratory of  the  Department of Environmental   Engineering in Prague. The simulation  results  were  obtained  with  the ESP-r  software. These   results   will   be used   for comparison with experimental data. The main goal is to determine conditions of thermal comfort of occupants in a room with cooling ceiling and various heat gains. The paper also presents the influence of the room height on thermal comfort.

Modelling a reversible ventilated window for simulation within Esp-r the solvent case

Whole building simulation may play a key role in the optimization and assessment of the market potential of new building components. In the SOLVENT Project, ESP-r was used for such purposes, in the case applied to a new reversible ventilated window. The innovative character of the window required the development of a specific simulation approach within ESP-r, in order to account for buoyancy in the air channel. A multi-zone approach with an air flow network was developed, and several variations studied.

Modeling the building as a system

We define building systems as systems that not only consist of the load bearing building structure and its environment, the service systems (installations), and the control systems, but also include building usage and users. Our ultimate goal is a virtual building labo- ratory for the concurrent simulation of all components of such building systems. This will be an extension of performance simulators.

Method for simulated of the performance of air-conditioning systems serving interior building zones

This   article   presents   a   simulation   method   for predicting the long-term energy performance of a central air-conditioning system serving interior zones of buildings with similar daily cooling load profiles. The method is based on a multiple psychrometric analysis of the system, frequency-based climate model, and a measured daily cooling load profile. Comparison  with  existing simulation  software  is discussed.


Mapping of industry building product model for thermal simulation and analysis

The   Industry   Foundation   Classes   (IFC)   has established a standard for defining interchangeable data formats among various computer models in  Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) domains. Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to make their data models compliant to the IFC standard through either adopting new data structures or creating bridges that can convert IFC data to be used by the various proprietary models.

Low-energy building heating system modelling

The paper is discussing problems of modelling of those elements in low-energy building design process. There is preview of the mathematical approaches and tools, which could be used to evaluate and predict energy-environmental aspects of the low-energy building systems design process. Discussion is supported by evaluation of case study of energy system in low energy building using ESP-r. The evaluation is focused on energy consumption in the conditions of the Czech Republic.

