H.e.n.k. a software tool for the integrated design of buildings and installations in the early design stage

A good tuning between building and installations plays a major role in achieving energy savings and a high quality of the indoor climate. To realize this match, it is necessary to have tools that can be used from the very beginning of the building design, that support the decision making and that enhance the communication within the design team. Last but not least, these tools should match the psychology of the engineer. H.e.n.k. is a software tool that tries to respond to this demand.

Ground-source heat pump simulation within a whole-building analysis

This paper explores the integration of an algorithm for the simulation of ground-source heat pump systems into a whole-building energy analysis program. GS2000™ is a software program released in 1995 for the sizing of ground source heat pump ground heat exchangers (also known as earth energy systems, geothermal heat pumps, and Geo- exchange systems) (Morrison, 1997). GS2000™ performs the ground loop heat transfer calculation, but requires the monthly building loads – as calculated by an energy simulation program.

Fuzzy neural networks model for building energy diagnosis

A   comfortable indoor climate environment is necessary for modern buildings and therefore the Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems are widely used. Faults or disturbances are normally unavoidable in the systems and they will lead to more energy consumption or degradation of comfort level of indoor climate. Energy consumption is useful to detect the faults. Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNN) model is presented and discussed in this paper.

From sizing and hydraulic balancing to control using the simbad tollbox

This   paper   demonstrates   one   step   forward   in   the development of virtual laboratories that can be used for the development and test of HVAC control systems. While predefined parameters are used for standard tests, individual tests of controllers on  different building construction and types or for different boundary conditions need, for each test, new sizing of the components of the HVAC system.

First world building design using third world experiences and advanced technologies

A holistic approach to the design and procurement of a project should result in a building, which can become uniquely embedded in its natural, social and economic environments, like a living system. In a strange way my African experience has lead me to these ideas and I shall talk about why I think this has happened This conference has its focus on the importance of the role of simulation techniques and I shall show how  these  have  become  an  essential  part  of  the process.


Experimental and CFD studies on surface condensation

Condensation    and    mold    problems    have    been identified as one of the severest IAQ problems in Japan. Especially in the wintertime, moisture condenses on cold wall surfaces where it can cause deterioration of the building materials and mold growth related to allergic symptoms. This paper discusses the possibility of using the CFD method to solve condensation problems. Firstly, a CFD model for simulating condensation is developed, and then the validity of this model is examined experimentally.

Experience testing energyplus with the iea HVAC bestest E100-E200 series

The EnergyPlus building energy simulation software has been tested using the IEA HVAC BESTEST E100-E200 series of tests. The Volume 1 final report for the International Energy Agency (IEA) Building Energy Simulation Test and Diagnostic Method for Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Equipment Models (HVAC BESTEST), was recently published in January 2002. HVAC BESTEST is a series of steady-state tests for a single-zone DX cooling system. Cases range from dry to wet coil, low to high part load, and low to high temperatures.

Experience of using building simulation within the design process of an architectural practice

This paper documents work that follows on from a previous study [Morbitzer et al 2001] on the implementation of a simulation-tool into an architectural practice at outline design stage. The use of simulation is now pervasively and routinely undertaken by designers within the company to evaluate energy and environmental performance of their design concepts. The paper documents the changes to the interface, based on the feedback from designers.

Exergy analysis of a low temperature radiant heating system

The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the process of heating a room with a low-temperature radiant heating system and solar energy, considering energy conversion and heat transfer steps in the building (where heat is required), in the incident solar radiation (which supplies part of the heat required) and in the heating system (which provides for the additional heating needs, by using electricity from a gas-fired power plant to drive a heat pump). We applied a theoretical framework developed by Shukuya, et. al.

Evaluation of hygrothermal models for mold growth avoidance prediction

The  most  dominant  moisture-related  problem  in building materials is probably mold growth. It occurs as a result of relatively high moisture concentrations. Although recent research has established the causal, physical-biological relationship between moisture content, temperature, material type, and mold growth, we do not have an established set of causal relationships between certain building parameters (such as envelope characteristics) and the risk  of mold growth.
