Evaluation of the Environmental Impact and Financial Cost of Buildings in the First Design Phase

Since most important design decisions are taken during the first design phase, an evaluation ofthe total environmental impact is necessary at that moment. A first step in that direction is takenby the Flemish government through the introduction of the Energy Performance Norm (EPN) fromJanuary 2006 on. The EPN evaluates the overall energy consumption of buildings during the usephase instead of looking at thermal insulation and compactness only.

Evaluation of Performances, Thermal Comfort and Energy Consumption of a Reversible Radiant Ceiling by Capillary Mat: Application for the Prefabricated Buildings

The objective of this paper is to analyse if Radiant Cooling Ceiling (RCC) has the potential to providebetter comfort and energy consumption in prefabricated buildings by comparison with conventionalsystems installed on this structures. Another purpose of this paper is to investigate the risk ofcondensation on the ceiling panel and finding the solution to prevent this. A building energy simulationcode called Trnsys was used to simulate the system and to analyse different characteristics of theRCC and of the indoor space.

Evaluation of Indoor Climates Using the ‘Climate Evaluation Chart’

The indoor climate plays a key-role in relation to sustainable building. Often measured or simulatedtime series are used for the evaluation of indoor climate performances. Analyzing these data might bea problem due to the lack of proper visualization tools. In this paper, we introduce a new way tovisualize long-term (seasonal) and detailed (less than 1 hour) measured or simulated indoor climatedata compared to demanded criteria in a single chart: the Climate Evaluation Chart (CEC).Furthermore, the use of CECs is demonstrated by two case studies: (1) Preservation priority.

Energy Performance of Hotel Buildings in Singapore

In this paper, a study of the energy performance in Singapore’s hotel industry is reported. Energy consumption data and other pertinent information were collected from 29 quality hotels through a national survey. Building features and operational characte

Energy Performance and Major Renovation

According to the Article 6 of the 2002/91/EC – EP “when buildings with a total useful floor area over 1000 m2 undergo major renovation their energy performance is upgraded in order to meet minimum requirements ….” which should be derived “…in accordance w

Energy Efficient Envelope Retrofit: a Case Study for a Bank Data Centre

This work is aimed at assessing the economical feasibility of a retrofit intervention consisting into the façade renovation of an office building, built in the 70s and located in Italy near Torino. The office building, characterized by high occupancy rate

Energy and Exergy Analysis of Integrated Systems of Buildings and District Energy Plants

The purpose of the paper is to influence governments throughout the world to achieve massiveimprovements in energy and exergy performance in their respective countries by legislation and otherpolicy instruments keyed to the overall or integrated energy and exergy performance of energytransformation systems.Energy transformation systems include: all types of buildings; electric, heating, and cooling districtpower plants; water treatment plants, energy and water distribution systems; cars, trucks, buses,motorcycles, trains, planes and other powered transportation systems; and manufacturing pr

Dynamic Moisture Behaviour of Materials for Integration into Whole Building Heat Air and Moisture Simulation

Indoor humidity is an important parameter influencing the occupants’ perception of indoor air quality, and is also a cause of harmful processes that may occur on surfaces of materials, such as cracking of walls or microbiological growth. Building material

Double-Skin Facade with Venetian Blind: Global Modelling and Assessment of Energy Performance

In this past decade, glazed façades use in new buildings has soared. Some of these façades, called "double skin façades", are made of internal and external glazing. As indicated by its name, "double skin façades" are a special type of envelope which air s

Direct Ground Cooling: Influence of Ground Properties on the Ground Heat Exchanger Size

In this paper the thermal behaviour of a direct ground cooling system located in Milano, Italy, isstudied by means of dynamic simulations performed in the TRNSYS environment. The simulationmodel consists of a reference building equipped with radiant panels connected to a vertical groundheat exchanger. Room thermostats and chilled surface condensation sensors provide system control.The ground heat exchanger size is adjusted in order to provide summer comfort conditions in thebuilding as well as sustainable operation over a long period.
