Assessment of Quality of Built Environment. A Case Study in North of Italy

The paper describes results of a Preliminary Study for the Plan of Quality of Living (PSPQL) of a townin the hinterland of Milan, conducted by an interdisciplinary group of researchers, involving alsofacilitators, town councillors, administrators, technicians and citizens. Main aim of the work is theevaluation of the most sustainable actions to be taken for improving conditions of living. A bottom-upand participative approach has been followed.

Assessment of Heat and Mass Transfers in Building Porous Materials

Heat and mass transfers in building materials influence the thermal properties and performances ofthe materials more especially as they are porous. This paper deals with the case of various porousbuilding materials (Aerated Autoclaved Concrete, Hemp Concrete and Vertically Perforated Brick)studied by an experimental approach. A cell of exchange makes it possible to impose on a sample,gradients of temperature and relative humidity variables as function of time. The performances ofthese materials are thus deduced from the evolution of T and %RH in several positions.

Assessing Energy Saving Potential of a Public Building Stock in Relation to the National Implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

At present 95% of energy consumption for heating, domestic hot water, air conditioning, lighting andventilation in Europe are related to buildings built before 1980.

Anticipated Solutions to Reduce Electricity Demand during Peak Period

Researchers and practitioners have proposed a variety of solutions to reduce electricity consumptionand curtail peak demand.

An Intermodel Comparison of DDS and Daysim Daylight Coefficient Models

This paper presents the results of a Radiance-based intermodel comparison between the validatedDaysim daylight coefficient model and a new standard model for dynamic daylighting simulations (DDS).The new model offers independence from site location and orientation, estimation techniques andsimulation applications. The standard data can be used for dedicated daylighting analysis or for integratedbuilding energy/daylighting simulation. Results show that DDS outperforms Daysim, notably in caseswhere sensors are subjected to sudden changes in solar exposure, e.g.

A Study of Subjective Assessment: Hybrid Lighting with Automatic Control or Traditional Lighting with Manual Control?

In order to compare a hybrid lighting system with automatic control to a traditional lighting system withmanual control, a subjective assessment study was carried out in two rooms at the TechnicalUniversity of Istanbul. In the test room, a light shelf system equipped with automatic control wasinstalled and in the reference room, a manually controlled traditional lighting system was installed. Therooms were occupied by 20 subjects for specific periods of time, at the end of which, paper-basedquestionnaires were introduced.

A Quality Assurance System for Indoor Environment and Energy Use

To achieve the intended results of building, managing and using a property requires knowledge,continuity and communication, which can be assured by a dynamic and flexible quality assurance(QA) system. Such a system, intended to ensure high-quality indoor environmental conditions, hasbeen developed and successfully applied over the last ten years. However, although clients have beenvery satisfied with the QA system and its results, the pressure for energy efficiency improvement hasincreased.

A CHCP System Constituted by Microturbine and Exhaust Absorption Chiller

The combined heat, cooling and power production (CHCP) is one of the most interesting methods toincrease the system global efficiency by supplying electric and thermal power needs both in winter andin summer, and at the same time reducing CO2 emissions.Global efficiency increase is related to the use of waste heat which can be also used to producecooling energy by means of a absorption chillers.A CHCP programme is planned in a specific area in the University City of the University of Rome LaSapienza (approximately 1000.000 cubic meter and an energy bill of some 10 M) and it consists of agas

Industry commitment to phasing out inefficient lighting products in the home

1. Background • Energy & Climate Change • Incandescent Lamps Market 2. Environmental benefits of phasing out inefficient products 3. Product & Technology alternatives • Compact Fluorescent; Energy Saving Halogen; LED 4. Supportive Policy Measures
