Consumer Confidence/CFL Quality: What are we trying to answer? ???? Who/What is a consumer? ???? What is consumer confidence? ???? What is CFL quality (to the consumer)?
The European Research Area (ERA) in the field of energy in buildings continues to develop dynamically in response to both the market needs and to the ongoing technological and legislative developments. Various networking mechanisms can be applied by key actors in the field to enhance access to research activities and increase the coherence of the scientific community: one such mechanism was formulated in the early 90s by the grouping of research actors from the PASSYS and PASSYS II research and technical development projects funded in part by the European Commission.
Phenomena like thermal inertia are difficult concepts to understand for students, because they are difficult to model or to measure. The control theory, on another hand, is often learned in terms of an abstract theory. We have developed a pedagogic cursus, based on the use of a test bench initially dedicated to the test of solar thermal collectors, in order to allow the students to be in real contact with these concepts.
Objective of this paper is to present results from experimental measurements and computer simulations of thermal behaviour and energy efficiency of the solar double skinned ventilated faade of the Brno Metropolitan Library in Brno in the Czech Republic. Simulations were provided for the period of heating season between September and April and for the reference climatic conditions with hourly climatic data in the format TRY created for the South Moravia climatic region.
As a result of increasing summer temperatures in the UK, it is likely that more dwellings in the future will have air conditioning installed to meet the occupants comfort requirements. This trend will inevitably increase the energy demand for cooling. This study, using computer simulation, estimates the likely increase in domestic cooling energy, under a number of scenarios.
Parameter identification techniques are a powerful tool for the determination of thermophysical properties of building components. However, their correct application often demands a certain degree of experience.Especially in short or/and heavily disturbed data sets a formal use of a parameter identification software can lead to completely wrong results.This paper illustrates these problems by means of some simulation calculations and encourages to a discussion about possible solutions.
The aim of this work is to observe the flow reversal that can appear at the time of interaction of hot and cold boundary layers in transient mixed convection in a vertical pipe.The instationary character of the flow is due to the application at the entry of the tube of a positive or negative temperature step. The transient mixed convection has a significant contribution in many industrial applications such as the air conditioning systems, the heat exchangers, nuclear plants, etc.
In France, for historical and demographic reasons, many educational buildings must be retrofitted in the next years.However, various studies showed that measurements of energy savings, and improvement of comfort, are rarely applied in the retrofitting operations, because of a lack of knowledge of the decision makers concerning the potential improvements.The program REDUCE of International Energy Agency - ECBCS Annex 36, and studies aiming at promoting the high environmental quality of the educational buildings in France, showed the existence of a potential improvement of the energy efficie
The SOLVENT window is an innovative glazing system concept that involves the use of a rotating frame, an absorptive glazing and a naturally ventilated vertical channel, in order to improve the balance between the visual comfort and the energy efficiency of windows.