A model has been proposed for evaluating the discharge coefficient and flow angle at an inflow opening for cross-ventilation. This model is based on the fact that the cross-ventilation flow structure in the vicinity of an inflow opening creates dynamic similarity under the condition that the ratio of cross-ventilation driving pressure to dynamic pressure of cross flow at the opening is consistent. It was confirmed from a wind tunnel experiment that the proposed model can be applied almost regardless of wind direction and opening position.
The field of thermal comfort surveys has recently expanded to other areas such as vehic- les and external spaces. An area that has not been examined is boats. This research will attempt to approach thermal comfort conditions in boats and establish a background for thermal comfort surveys in boats generally. The first part took place during the summer months of the year 2003 in Greece under real conditions. Several boats took part and also people with different characteristics such as age, sex and weight answered the questionnaires.
In built environment assured access to sun is important because of the quality of life and because of the energy benefits. We can find a great number of historical precedents of respecting this issue. In Slovenia traditional settlements of the Karst are a model example. In this paper we investigated the Karst settlement of Kobjeglava. We studied the disposition of buildings with respect to cooling. We used the solar volume method for assessing the urban plan and estimating the solar access.
This paper presents the technological part of activities executed in the framework of MUSEUMS Project Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana, Slovenia. To assure thermal stability of exhibition rooms and to achieve optimal relation between air temperature and walls surface temperature a combined thermal insulation and heating-cooling wall system was designed as a low temperature large surface heating and cooling vertical system. The thermal comfort is improved because of surface temperature air temperature relation lateral radiation effect.
This study presents an experience of a bioclimatic design studio. The teaching methods used in the Architecture Course of the University of Campinas, UNICAMP Brazil are discussed. Design studio activities are combined with thermal comfort experiments and students are encouraged to evaluate design proposals through calculations and design references. Some conclusions are drawn, particularly regarding student design quality.
The current environmental data and mainly the concern on the exhaustion of not renewable sources of energy dictate the need that the human activities should take place in the frame of sustainable development. Today, it can be achieved in the building sector and in general in the structured environment, via methods such as the one of high environmental quality (dmarche Haute Qualit Environnementale) and the one of Ev (Environmental Value).
In this study, a thermal-network model is employed for the determination of the characteristic thermal inertia factors and more specifically the decrement factor f and the time lag ?. These parameters are very important, especially during the warm period of summer (when passive cooling is essential), when a periodic thermal wave propagates through a walls cross sectional area, from its outer to its inner surface.
This paper is focused on passive cooling techniques and especially on natural and hybrid ventilation as part of energy rehabilitation measures during an office renovation project. Natural, hybrid and mechanical ventilation was designed to decrease cooling demands and to obtain acceptable indoor air quality for the various needs. In some cases mixing of indoor and outdoor air was implemented. Air-draft problems were solved rearranging the type and the use of windows and using proper the air-grids.
The objective of this work was to experimentally investigate the influence of vent type and of insect proof screens on ventilation rate of a round arch plastic covered greenhouse. The greenhouse was equipped with side roll-up windows and a flap roof window and is located at the University of Thessaly near Volos in the coastal area of Eastern Greece. Microclimate variables as well as the greenhouse ventilation rate (G) were measured.
This paper describes a component of ongoing research that deals with planning and design strategies relevant to sustainable and low energy development. In this paper the particular status of the city of Seoul in Korea is investigated and analysed. The situation that applies in the city is a combination arising from national policies, city level interpretation and local level action. Seoul is compared to several other cities and the actions being taken.