Prediction of the influence of solar radiation on adaptive thermal comfort using CFD simulation

Adaptive thermal comfort model has been widely used to evaluate the thermal comfort level of natural ventilation buildings.However, current adaptive standards offer a simple linear relationship between the outdoor temperature and the indoor comfort temperature,ignoring the influence of solar radiation.

Developing a new passive tracer gas test for air change rate measurement

Ventilation is critical in interpreting indoor air quality (IAQ), yet few IAQ assessments report ventilation rates; even when they do, the measurement method is often not fully described. Most ventilation assessments use a tracer gas test (TGT) to measure total air change rate. In a TGT, the indoor air is marked with an easily identifiable gas (tracer) so that the air change rate can be inferred by monitoring the tracer’s injection rate and concentration.

Measuring the ventilation rate in occupied buildings and adapting the CO2 tracer gas technique

Measuring ventilation rates in occupied dwellings is challenging but represents the conditions that occupants experience. This paper explores the constraints of existing methods when measuring the ventilation rate of occupied buildings and proposes a new method addressing some of them.  

Airtightness and non-uniformity of ventilation rates in a naturally ventilated building with trickle vents

Infiltration is an uncontrolled contribution to ventilation in a building and can contribute significantly to the total ventilation rate, particularly in older, leaky, dwellings which can rely on infiltration to provide adequate indoor air quality. However, as explored in this paper, using a whole house airtightness metric to characterise ventilation rates can fail to identify low ventilation rates in specific rooms. 

Effects of Outdoor Environment on Air Exchange Rate

Indoor air quality is the chemical, physical and biological properties that indoor air must have to not cause any negative impact on occupants’ health and provide comfort: feel fresh, pleasant and stimulating. 

Successive Indoor Air Pressure Calculation Method for Natural Ventilation Rate Prediction

Installing Natural Ventilation (NV) system in office buildings leads to the reduction of energy consumption of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), which accounts for approximately 50% of total in an office building in Japan. However, it is difficult to estimate the NV performance before its completion, because the NV system is easily affected by the outdoor environment. Thus, its design method is not yet established.

Using CFD simulation to improve estimation of wind pressure coefficient for naturally-ventilated buildings in tropical climate

Building energy simulation (BES) and Airflow network (AFN) programs generally incorporate wind pressure coefficients (Cp) estimated from secondary sources, namely data bases or analytical models. As these coefficients are influenced by a wide range of parameters, it is difficult to obtain reliable Cp data. This leads to uncertainties in BES-AFN models results, especially for naturally ventilated building studies, where air change rate which strongly depends on Cp, is a key value for thermal comfort and energy consumption results.

Experimental study of the combination of a positive input ventilation and active air vents on the air change rates of a house

This study aims to experimentally evaluate the influence of the combination of a supply only ventilation, called here positive input ventilation, and innovative active air vents on the Indoor Air Quality of a house. The positive input ventilation draws fresh air from the outside, filters and pre-heats it before blowing it in living areas. Active air vents are small motorised damper set up in upper parts of windows that can move according to local pollutants measurements or according to the measurements of the other active air vents in the house.

An investigation of ventilation control strategies for louver windows in different climate zones

Guaranteeing high indoor air quality and high degree of user satisfaction at the same time is one of the challenges when improving the energy efficiency of a building. Current non-residential buildings mainly use mechanical ventilation systems to ensure high air quality. Mechanical ventilation systems are known for minimising heat losses but at the same time lead to higher installation, operating and maintenance costs. Furthermore, mechanically conditioned rooms may lead to the sick building syndrome caused by the lack of operable windows.

Cooling Performance of Air-Conditioning System with Ceiling Suspended Packaged Air Conditioning Unit over Divided-Type Membrane Ceilings in Large Classroom

The mainstream of air-conditioning system for medium and small sized buildings is conditionally air mixing ventilation with ceiling cassette unit of packaged air conditioner (PAC), however, it may bring a high cold-draught risk to occupants, due to the direct drop of the supply air jet. To solve this problem, the air mixing ventilation system can be improved into an air based radiant air-conditioning system by stretching the non-flammable membrane under the ceiling with PAC, thus the cold-draught of PAC could be substantially eliminated and the indoor environment could be improved easily.
