Assesment of the indoor condition of a naturally ventilated nursery school in Rome

The ventilation system in nursery buildings requires particular care to guarantee the safety of children[1,2]. When suitable outdoor conditions occur, natural ventilation can provide an appropriate indoorenvironment in terms of temperature, humidity and concentration of contaminants, if the designprocess is coherently developed taking into account the characteristics of the prevailing winds [3].This study investigates numerically the fluid dynamic behaviour occurring in a naturally ventilatedpreschool building designed for the municipality of Rome.

Analysis of Residential Hybrid VentilationPerformance in U.S. Climates

This study examines the potential for using passive ventilation systems to meet ASHRAE 62.2requirements as a step in the process for optimizing hybrid ventilation systems. A brief review of theliterature with reference to the passive and hybrid ventilation systems in residential building ispresented. The review focuses on key aspects of ventilation system performance, including indoor air quality, air distribution and ventilation rates.

Analysis of Dispersion and Prediction of Infection Possibility according to Airborne Viral Contaminants: Tracer gas simulation

The aim of this study is to analyse the physical characteristics of airborne virus, consider thepossibility of using coupled analysis model and tracer gas for analysing virus diffusion in buildingspace and, based on reports of how the infection spread in a hospital where patients were discovered, analyse infection risk using tracer gas density and also diffusion patterns according to the location, shape, and volume of supply diffusers and exhaust grilles.

Air Distribution Effectiveness for Residential Mechanical Ventilation: Simulation and Comparison of Normalized Exposures

Even when providing the same nominal rate of outdoor air (OA), different ventilation systems distribute air in different ways, affecting the occupants differently depending on the dwelling, on source disposition and strength, on occupants behavior, and on the cooling or heating system.

Experimental evaluation of some proposed R22 alternatives in chillers and unitary A/C equipment

Tests were conducted on two instrumented air-cooled water chillers (15 kW and 30 kW cooling capacity). Refrigerants evaluated included R22 as the baseline fluid, R407C and R410B. When testing with R407C, the retrofit procedure did not involve any major hardware change. The results with the first chiller equipped with a counter-current plate evaporator showed that both capacity and EER are maintained within 5%. The second chiller, which was not equipped with a counter-current evaporator showed poorer results.

Design and simulation of heat pumps and A/C equipment using pure and mixed refrigerants with MoMo (Modular Modelling)

An approach to the steady-state simulation of heat pumps and refrigerating equipment is presented. Novel features of the proposed model are the strategy and formalism adopted in the programme development. Individual mathematical models for component design are linked to enable the simulation of a basic vapour compression cycle. This paper introduces some of the component modules, which can be used for pure as well as mixed refrigerants.

The fuzzy set theory for analysing thermal comfort

Researchers involved in studying problems concerning the built-up environment face an objective complexity, of easy instrumental evaluation, and a subjective complexity which is psycho-physiological concerning human beings with different individual reactions to the same exposure conditions.

Energy concepts for utilization of solar energy in small and medium cities: the case of Chambéry

In this paper, a part of the results of a study realised in Chambéry to develop the use of solar energy in small and medium European cities is presented. This analysis is based on the evaluation of the solar potential of the city, then a balance of saved

Energy Efficiency of Advanced Ventilation Techniques in Non-Residential Buildings and Their Barriers

Air renovation inside buildings is crucial to have productive workers, since the lack of good indoor conditions affects human activity and promotes diseases (Fisk, 2000). This happens particularly in non-residential buildings where usually there is high occupation and thus big needs for fresh air. To achieve good indoor air quality (IAQ), actual ventilation solutions need a significant amount of energy, which is estimated to be about 10% of the total energy used in Europe (RESHYVENT, 2004).

Ventilation Strategy for Civil Buildings in Response to Stricter Standards of Energy Conservation and Indoor-Air-Quality Issue in China

China has been undergoing fast urbanization during the last three decades. Air tightness designequipped with air-conditioning units are currently popular in commercial rather than residential buildings to meet the policy needs of energy conservation. Meanwhile, indoor chemical contamination mainly derived from excessive interior decorating activities causes broad attentions to indoor heath concerns. This paper reviews the development of building ventilation and energy-conservation as well as indoor-air-quality (IAQ) related standards in China.
