In the desiccant dehumidifier using adsorbentsuch as silica gel and zeolite, outdoor moist airis dehumidified in adsorbent. On the otherhands, it is necessary for the adsorbent whichbecomes moist by dehumidifying outdoor air tobe dried (regenerated).
This paper investigates the thermal effect of ceiling-mounted light fixtures for a displacement ventilation system. The influence of fluorescent lainps on a ceiling is examined by computational fluid dynamics and experimental methods. The test room is a 5.3m X 5.44m X 2.5m height office. Two supply air diffusers and two exhaust grilles are dimensioned bv 0.9m x 0.2ni each. A heat source is instailed at the center of the room. Supply air velocity is treated as a parameter from 0.1 to 0.5 mls. The finite volume method and low-Reynolds number k- ?
This paper describes some qf the thinking behind the thermal comfort provisions of the new European Standard EN1 525 1 (CEN:2007) for free-running buildings. This standard deals with all aspects on the indoor environment. The paper will presentthe evidence on which its provisions fortemperature in naturally ventilated buildingsin summer is based. It will discuss theadvantages they present jbr those concernedto design buildings which will minimise theuse of energy.
The aim of this paper is to have a generaldiscussion of the status regarding energybuilding codes in relation to TAQ concerns.First, there is a brief discussion of the trends inenergy regulations and in IAQ concerns. Thenthe objectives and outcome of a recentworkshop on trends in national buildingventilation markets and drivers for change aregiven. This is followed by a brief overview ofsome areas where there might be majoropportunities but at the same time threats.Finally, information about 2 informationplatforms is given as well as some overallconclusions
BEU accounting and assessment is a fundamental task for development of energy efficiency in buildings. The traditional methodology is based on caloric value of energy carriers, which is only relates to energy quantity. To address a comprehensive assessment, an exergy assessment methodology is put forward in this paper. Furthermore, in existing China's statistical yearbook, there is no specific item for building energy use. This paper processes analysis for statistical yearbook and acquires relevant rough data of building energy use.
According to the definition, passive houses inEurope meet a target energy demand for heatingof less than 15 kWh per square meter and peryear. This low level for the heating demand isbased on heating by a small post-heater in thehygienic ventilation system at 52 C maximum,while the ventilation system can be dimensionedpurely for ventilation purposes. In theory thusthe installed heating power is less thanapproximately 10 watts/m2.But what happens in practice?
This paper describes the history and background of the ventilation requirements. Thepaper starts with an overview of existinginternational requirements. An analysis is madeabout the reasons and goals for ventilation.Ventilation strategies are discussed .The advisedstrategy is to ventilate only for unavoidablesources such as people in rooms and theirunavoidable activities, for instance cleaning,maintenance and personal care like cooking,bathing and showering. The history is of therequirements as well as the underlying studiesare described an discussed.
Conflation of computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and building energy simulation (BES)has been used in recent years in order toimprove the estimation of surface coefficientsfor studies on thermal comfort, mold growthand other performance aspects of a building.BES can provide more realistic boundaryconditions for CFD, while CFD can providehigher resolution modelling of flow patternswithin air volumes and convective heat transfercoefficients (CHTC) for BES. BES and CFDcan be internally or externally coupled.
Translucent thermal insulation walls forJapanese houses have been designed to allowsolar radiation and daylight to pass through thewalls into the house (Fig. 1) in order to reducethe amount of energy required for heating andlighting and to create a comfortable lightingenvironment. The walls are made of translucentor transparent materials such as glass andthermal insulation material.The walls have been developed withconsideration given to conditions of variousregional climates and housing lots.
An investigation was performed in a middle-corridor-type elementary school in Tolcyo, Japan, equipped with an air-conditioning system for cooling.Temperatures and C02 concentrations weremeasured in classrooms, corridors and outdoors.Visual inspections were made on opened andclosed conditions of windows, doors andcurtains, and pupil numbers in classroomsduring each lesson hour. Pupils' and teachers'thermal environment evaluations andenvironmental control behaviors were obtainedfrom questionnaires.