Energy Performance Evaluation of an Atrium by Applying Various Window Conditions

Recently, supplying glass space like atrium isbeing extended widely for introducing naturallight into a building, improving rest roomfunctions and having a pleasant workenvironment. However, some problems canoccur in atrium such as overheating andexcessive vertical temperature difference duringthe summer time, making people feel unpleasantand increase air conditioning load.This study targets that the air conditioning loadaccording to characteristics of the atrium'svarious windows can be expected throughbuilding energy performance evaluationanalysis.

Environmental Adjustment Systems of Honda Wako Building

Honda Wako Building(hereinafter called HWB)" is ahigh efficiency saving energyoffice building with six floorshaving 52,138-m2 of total floorarea. Honda Motor Co., Ltd(hereinafter called HondaMotor) required reducing 50 %of emission of life cycle CO2 ascompared with a standardbuilding at the design stage. Torealize energy saving building,the architectural plan has twodistinguishing characteristics.Firstly, both of whole ofsouth and north of facadeconsist of low-e coating glassesand aluminum panels.

Development of behavioural algorithms for thermal simulation of buildings- evaluating constraints on the operation of windows and fans

Realistic knowledge of window-opening andfans use behaviour is needed, for the thermalsimulation of naturally ventilated buildings. Ifcontrols such us windows and fans wereefective and easy to use, thermal discomfortcould be largely avoided. In practice theremay be constraints that hinder the use of suchcontrols. In uny thermul simulation theseconstraints need numerical values. In thispaper, we explore the nature and extent ofsome of the constraints operating on the use ofwindows and fans, making numericalestimates of their magnitudes from extensivefield databases.

Comparison of Physical and Psychological Aspects of Light and Heat Radiation Brought by Daylighting

This paper describes the merit of daylighting bycomparing the physical and psychologicalaspects of light and heat radiation. We preparedthree rooms: direct lighting with fluorescentlamps; indirect lighting with incandescentlamps; and daylighting alone. We conductedphysical measure-ment associated with light andheat, together with subjective experiments interms of luminous and thermal sensations.The measurement was done in August, 2006,and also in December, 2007. In summer, the airtemperature of the room with daylighting alonewas lower than two other rooms with electriclighting.

Comparison of imagined and real behaviors in relation to active coolingmethods under Japanese summer conditions

Recently post-occupancy evaluation is oftenused to know the actual performance of socalledenergy saving building components andto compare with simulated performance. Inreality, the occupants choice how to achievecomfortable conditions, e.g. by switching on anair-conditioning unit or opening a window,influences significantly on the exergy balance ofthe building systems.

Commissioning Process for Realization of Energy Efficient Building

The author had participated IEAIECBCS Annexprojects since 1987, starting from Annex 16 forBEMS, ending at Annex 40 for Commissioning.I used to recognize how this line of continualset-up of subjects to optimize HVAC design andmaintenance through system simulation, BEMSmeasurements, fault detection and diagnosis andbuilding optimization technologies, which ledthe way to building commissioning, had beenwell designed just as by god's hand.

Air leakage of US homes

Air tightness is an important property ofbuilding envelopes. It is a key factor indetermining infiltration and related wallperformanceproperties such as indoor airquality, maintainability and moisturebalance. Air leakage in U.S. housesconsumes roughly 113 of the HVAC energybut provides most of the ventilation used tocontrol TAQ. The Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory has been gatheringresidential air leakage data from manysources and now has a database of morethan 100,000 raw measurements.

A room ventilation and heat transfer experimental facility

Energy-efficient building design often makes use of night-time ventilation or thermal slab activation. The quality of the design tools used depends on the quality of the empirical valuesused within them such as heat transfer coefficients. Thus, an experimental facility for investigationof room ventilation and indoor heattransfer has been built at Biberach University ofApplied Sciences in Germany. lnitial tests havebeen conducted investigating natural convectionheat transfer with an electrical heating elementon the floor.

A Case Study of Energy Consumption and Indoor Environment in a WoodConstructed Office Building

In this study, field measurements andinvestigations have been carried out tounderstand the energy consumption and indoorenvironment of a sustainable designed officebuilding. The office building is located in thenorth of Sendai City, northeast area of HonshuIsland, Japan. It was completed in June 2006and covers an area of 4090 m2. The building isconstructed in wood so as to reduce thegeneration of C02.

Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Multi-zone Models for LivestockIndoor Climate Control

In this paper, a multi-zone modeling concept isproposed based on a simplified energy balanceformulation to provide a better prediction of theindoor horizontal temperature variation insidethe livestock building. The developedmathematical models reflect the influences fromthe weather, the livestock, the ventilation systemand the building on the dynamic performance ofindoor climate.
