Heating and cooling with geothermal energy for residential buildings inLatvia

In the recent years in Latvia is rapidlydeveloping construction sector of residentialbuildings. Engineers have to give moreattention to heating and cooling system'stechnology in the buildings to stay competitivein the realty's market. Every year is increasingpart of geothermal heat pump's use. Anincreasingly important econoinic factor and parameter in calculating the economic feasibility of geothermal heat pumps, is the extent to which a market exists for COz emissions in the country of operation.

Full scale experimental evaluation of ventilation strategies of a double-skinfacade

A double-skin facade is installed in a laboratory full scale test cell. The double-skin fagade has a 20 cm wide air cavity with Venetian sun-shading blinds and is provided with mechanical ventilation. The experiments are performed in fully controlled conditions. The results are including temperature measurements in several locations in the faqade and test cell. Two main scenarios (summer and winter situation) are investigated. Under these scenarios different ventilation configurations with various operation strategies are implemented.

Experiment on the effect of natural ventilation on cooling energy conservation

Recently, natural ventilation, which istraditional cooling method in Japan, hasbecome considered as the key method forcooling energy conservation. We have carriedout experiments to measure indoor thermalenvironment and cooling electric energyconsumption in experimental RC constructionapartment house by simulating occupants'life-style including thermal control with natural ventilation and air conditioner. And based on the experimental results, we estimated coolingelectric power consumption from July to September.

Development of Simple Prediction Tool for Lighting and Electrical Outlet Power Consumption in the Non-Residential Buildings

The main objective of this research is thepresentation of a method for finding lightingand power outlet energy consumption volume,which is both easy to calculate, and possesses acertain degree of accuracy, fiom the Japanesebackground of few lighting & outlet energydata and usefbl caclulation tools. Firstly, theexisting and newly measured data of officebuildings and commercial buildings werecollected, and the consumption structures wereanalyzed.

Evaluation of effect of the wind pressure fluctuation for cross ventilation in the residential district

In residential district, it is difficult to setappropriate wind pressure coefficient for crossventilation design, because there are various andcomplex parameters that influence the windpressure. A simpler method to identify the windpressure coefficient is needed in general designprocess of the cross-ventilated space.In this paper, wind tunnel experiment withthe models in some residential district wasconducted, and the difference of wind pressurecoefficient (AC,) between two openings on thesupposed flow path is analyzed to evaluate thepotential for cross ventilation.

Equalization of wind pressure on the inner wall of double-skin of tall buildings for the natural ventilation

This research concerns natural ventilation of the building with double-skin. It aims to get high performance cross ventilation by the control of opening and closing windows on outside exteriorwall and to make the wind pressures on the innerwall to be equal, small, positive value.

Energy implications of control strategies in ventilated facades

Thermal building simulations (TRNSYS) werelinked to nodal airflow network simulations(COMIS) for a detailed ventilated double-skinfacade calculation of performance. Thevalidated simulation model can be used tooptimize the ventilated facade design in respectto reducing the solar heat gains during thesummer period by controlling the exhaustairflow. This may result in significant energysavings and a reduction in systems cooling size.This work evaluates two different controlstrategies of ventilated faqade designs in respectto cooling load reductions.

Energy efficiency and thermal environment of floor heating system using heat pump

This paper describes thermal characteristics of a hydronic floor heating system using heat pumps. An experimental system is constructed in a climate chamber. It has a test room with a floor area of 1 1.6 m2 and an air volume of 23.15 m3. Higher heat flow from floor heating can be seen in the room space at cases using panels with a thinner top layer made by materials with lower thermal resistance. Such panels also provide higher room temperature than other ones in comparison with conditions at similar supply water temperature. The heat balance in the whole system is observed.

Efficiency of Energy Conservation Methods on Space Conditioning Loadof Residential Buildings

As a matter of national policy, we have tochallenge to save energy in residential sectorthat contribute to C02 emission because theKyoto protocol has talten effect in 2005. Theamount of CO2 emission in residential sectoraccounts for about 14% of whole C02 emissionin Japan. The reduction of energy consumptionis the most pressing issue to be settled in theimmediate future. Then the energy consumptionof residential buildings was monitored for twoyears around the country with the object ofcreating a national database.

Efficiency of different ventilation concepts in classrooms

The productivity of occupants in classroomsdepends strongly on the indoor air quality andthe thermal comfort. Three ventilation conceptswith different arrangements of supplyand exhaust openings are presented as solutionsin this study. The different ventilationconcepts which are mixing- and displacementventilation are evaluated by different criteriain particular by their ventilation efficiency.
