Air-related problems in high-rise buildings:How can we cope with the problems due to stack effect?

The construction of high-rise buildings beganseveral decades ago in North America, and nowhigh-rise buildings are common in East Asiaand the Middle East. A high rise buildingusually entails various problems in areas suchas energy consumption, IAQ, and stack effect,due to the great height of the building, most ofwhich are related to the airflow and pressure inand around the building. In particular, the stackeffect, which is driven by buoyancy forcesthrough the vertical shaft of the core, is themost critical in severe winter climates.

Integration of hybrid ventilation systems in educational buildings

The case study of a nursery school of Bologna isa pilot example of how hybrid ventilationsystems can be embedded in architecturallysignificant buildings. This paper hasinvestigated the operating condition of thispeculiar design to make sure that designhypothesis were accomplished. To do this, afteran ovewiew of local climatic conditions andsensors recent data, a CFD simulation has beenmade to compare theoretical and real behavior.

Adaptive Control which considers Human Comfort corresponding toThermal Environment Change, and it's Energy Saving Effect

This paper shows the experimental evaluation of thermal comfort of people moving from outdoors to indoors in summer. It also shows a building example which makes positive use of environmental changes to improve thermal comfort in the destination, with evaluation by field experiments in summer. A performing arts center based on a Grand Hall was analyzed in this study. The visitors pass thorough several spaces as they move from the outdoor environment to the Grand Hall, and they experience several different indoor environments.

Power Transportation Analysis inside Stream Tube of Cross-VentilatedBuilding

In predicting flow rate of a cross-ventilatedbuilding, discharge coefficients obtained fromthe connected value of resistance coefficient ofopening based on the chamber method, and thewind pressure coefficients from a sealedbuilding are usually used. This method canpredict the flow rate well for the case of smallopenings. For the large openings, however, it iswell known that flow rate could beunderestimated because these are not based onactual condition.

Solar Thermal and Electric Desiccant Cooling System,Part 1 : System Development and Investigation

Environmental degradation, depletingconventional energy resources, and explodingworld population are indeed serious issues.Development of clean energy resources togetherwith clean technologies for human comfort is awonderful hunian creativity. This paper presentsa developed system of combined solar thermaland electric desiccant cooling system. The totalperformance of the whole system as presentedshows the thermal energy supplied to the system,the thermal energy transferred to the desiccantcooling system, and the performance of thedesiccant cooling system.

Power law model for wind profiles correction in urban environment

Wind speed correction based on the terraincharacteristics is commonly found in severalwind related applications in the builtenvironment. In some models based on powerlaw profile, the exponent (a) and a correctionfactor (1) are assumed for each tewain type.This paper aims to check the applicability ofone of these models for urban environmentswith high density. Experiments in a boundarylayer wind tunnel were performed for an urbanarea of 600 x 600 m, in the district of Moema,in the city of S5o Paulo, Brazil, using a modelwith 1:500 scale.

Experimental lifestyle simulation for validating energy-saving techniques

The evaluation of the effectiveness ofcogenerations in energy saving is dependent onthe profile of electricity demand and heatdemand as many experts know. Those demandsdepend on the use and the energy efficiency ofappliances, on the envelope performancereflecting upon the heatinglcooling loads, on theclimatic conditions such as outdoor temperatureand city water temperature, etc.

Analysis for Wood Decay within Building Envelops Considering Moisture Production by Biochemical Reactions

In this study, a durability assessment model forbuilding envelopes design based onhygrothesmal and wood rot decay analysis ispresented. The durability assessment model canquantitatively predict hygrothermal conditionswithin the building envelopes, and progress ofwood rot decay of timber frame under variableconditions. The followings are characteristicsof the durability assessment models in thisstudy.

Solar Thermal and Electric Desiccant Cooling System,Part 2: Experimental Investigation and Evaluation

The combined solar thermal and electricdesiccant cooling system is designed, fabricated,assembled and installed in the Laboratory ofBuilding Environmental Engineering of TohokuUniversity. The performance of the combinedsystem was observed and calculated. Theperformance of the whole system, thermalenergy system and desiccant cooling system ispresented in Part I of this paper.

Quantifying the performance of a top down natural ventilation windcatcher

Measurements and smoke tests show that thequadrants of a Windcatcher with a positivepressure across them act as supply ducts, whilethose with a negative pressure across them actas exhaust ducts.
