Designing of double cross catenary screen as sunlight catcher and diffuser.

Considering density of housing in residentialarea of large cities in Japan, it is very difficultto secure sufficient daylight and lead daylightto whole space in the house. High side lightingis one of solutions for such situation. Andwhen high side windows are designed withopen beain, high side light can be propagatedto lower level through open beam. On theother hand, high side light brings highlightarea on walls or floors. The highlights areaoften appears on walls close to eye level. Thearea may cause glare phenomenon or maylower brightness of surrounding area bycontrast effect.

Demand Controlled Ventilation in a Bathroom

In residential buildings moisture is adominant pollution source removed by theventilation system. The Danish buildingcode requires a minimum air change rate of0.5h-1 in residential buildings to avoidmoisture related problems.

Cross ventilation analyzed by recording pressure distributionon the floor of wind tunnel models

Cross-ventilation is difficult to predict andcontrol because wind exhibits a large degree ofvariation in both speed and direction.Consequently, the design of a well functioningcross-ventilation system presently demandsthorough and often expensive wind tunnel andCFD investigations. If one can lower the costneeded for these investigations much will begained. This paper considers the possibility toclassify types of flows based on straightforwardstatic pressure measurements.

Contrastive analyses on annual energy consumption between new residential buildings and old residential buildings in Shianghai, China

The purposes of this research are to contrast theenergy consumption characteristics of oldresidential buildings and new residentialbuildings in Shanghai, China, and to analyzeinfluence factors of residential energyconsumption. 16 10 families in ResidentialDistrict A constructed in the 1980s and 819families in Residential District B constsucted inthe 2000s were chosen to trace their monthlyenergy consumption data in the whole year of2006.

BEMS and HVAC Control System Utilizing Simulation andthe Data Platform on the Internet

This paper describes the optimum HVACcontrol system that the simulation is executedusing the data of BEMS and the weatherforecasting, etc. The thermal characteristicssuch as heat load are calculated by thesimulation code TRNSYS with modeling thetargeted building, and many scenarios for thenext day are indicated in terms of energyconsumption, C02 generation rate, thermalcomfort and cost. After the operator has chosena scenario, the optimized operation schedule ofthe heat source is provided by the simulationcode GAMS.

Agents to improve Individual Comfort and Save Energy

In order to further improve energyperformance of buildings, intelligentbuilding control is needed which integratesindividual demands and behavior ofoccupants. Intelligent Agent technology issuited to be implemented at different levelsof building automation. Individual agentscontrol the climate for each user of thebuilding in combination with feedback onthe energy consumption can lead to betterindividual comfort and a reduction of energyconsumption.

Activated Carbon filters used in residential and office buildings applicatons

During the past half century, filtration techniques based on the use of activated carbons have been widely used in industrial applications, and considerable knowledge about the mass transfer processes involved has been developed. Surprisingly, the use of activated carbon filters in building applications has remained marginal, and one reason is probably the lack of information on the actual efficiency of such systems in realistic configurations of building operation.

A Study on the Filtering Impact of Plants and Soil on the Reduction ofVolatile Organic Compounds

The research regarding the importance of indoorair quality is recently becoming issue fromKorea and various methods are being used toimprove interior air quality. Indoor aircontamination became an important issue as theamount of infiltration is diminished by tightlysealed envelopes, and the building materialsmade of chemical components are frequentlyused.

A Study on the Evaluation of Ventilation System for IAQ

Reinforcement of air-tightness and thermalinsulation in the indoors leads to the declinein air-change rate. Moreover, due toincreased chemical substances on furniture,the indoor air-quality becomes worse andmay induce various health problenls, namelythe condition known as the Sick BuildingSyndrome(SB S).Many tools and methods are being developedto improve indoor air-quality.

Sensitivity Analysis Applied in Design of Low Energy Office Building

Building performance can be expressed bydifferent indicators as primary energy use,environmental load andlor the indoorenvironmental quality and a building performancesimulation can provide the decision maker with aquantitative measure of the extent to which anintegrated design solution satisfies the designrequirements and objectives.In the design of sustainable Buildings it isbeneficial to identify the most important designparameters in order to develop more efficientlyalternative design solutions or reach optimizeddesign solutions.A sensitivity analysis makes it possible to identifythe mo
