Study onAirflow around Building Roof for Design ofNatud Ventilation by Chmney- Part1 Distribution of wind pressure coefficient on a building roof -

There are some ways to promote natural ventilation, but this research focuses on chimney which is traditional ventilation method used for industry or fireplace. The goal of this research is to establish the guidelines for the design of chimney for natural ventilation of rooms. This paper reports the result of the wind tunnel test to study airflow around building roof As a result of wind tunnel tests, some tendencies were obtained.

Stimulating better envelope and ductwork airtightness with the EnergyPerformance of Buildings Directive

The Energy Performance of Buildings Directivementions that each member states' energyperformance (EP) calculation methodology mayinclude envelope airtightness. In fact, manymember states have included envelopeairtightness in their EP calculation method.Many countries have also specific requirementsfor ductwork airtightness. However, they seemto be unequally successful in achieving a markettransformation. This paper describes themechanisms that have been used in somecountries, with a special focus on success storieswhich could inspire other member states.

Some Effects of Ventilation on People: Perceptions, physiologicalResponses and Mental Performance

This study explores the plausible mechanismlinking outdoor air supply rates and workperformance through the perceptual responsesand a target salivary biomarker. An extendedobjective is this study is to perform comparativestudy between the healthy and the asthmaticgroups of subjects. A total of 160 young adultsparticipated as voluntary subjects in two phases.The study was conducted in the FieldEnvironmental Chamber which simulates anoffice setting. Subjects rated the air quality at18.0L/s/p to be most acceptable, followed by9.0L/s/p and the least acceptable at 4.5L/s/p(P

Prediction of indoor air quality considering the concealed air leaks in theimproved houses

There are many infiltration routes in detachedhouses in Japan. These routs lead chemicalcompounds into the indoor spaces from theconcealed spaces.In this study, the effects of countermeasureswith airtight methods and ventilation methodswere cleared using a simulation program. Atfirst, the equivalent leakage areas in theconcealed spaces were measured using cutmodels. Next, the movements of chemicalcompounds were calculated using thesimulation program: "Fresh2006".The results showed that the concentrations arelower in the improved houses than those in thecommon houses in some cases.

Potential Influence of Moisture Sorption and Desorption of Walls on SpaceConditioning Load of Residential Buildings

The hygrothermal performance of houses isrecently being required to indicatequantitatively due to the encouragement ofenergy conservation. Several calculationmethods are practically proposed to evaluateenergy saving measures of houses. However,those methods do not take into account moisturetransfer in wall assemblies. Humiditycalculation is simply affected by ventilation andfocuses on just the building spaces.

Performance test of natural ventilators by field experiment

Recently, a law securing 0.7ACH ventilationrates was enacted in South Korea. As aconsequence, various ventilators have beeninstalled in apartments. Of the different types ofventilators that have been installed, naturalventilators are able to minimize energyconsumption and reduce environmental load byusing natural energy.

Performance Evaluation of Advanced Integrated façades in Laboratory Facilities

A wide experimental campaign on transparent advancedintegrated fa~ades with a mechanically, naturally andhybrid ventilated air gap has been carried out both at theDepartment of Energetics at Politecnico di Torino and atLaboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) inLisbon.

Numerical Simulation of Natural Ventilation Performance of SolarChimney with Built-in Phase Change Material

This paper presents a study of solar chimneysusing a Phase Change Material (PCM)integrated into the heat absorber of the solarchimney. Solar chimneys have recently beenused as natural ventilation devices in buildingsin order to improve the quality of indoor airand provide a comfortable environment for theinhabitants. The advantage of a solar chimneyis that it depends on solar energy rather thanelectricity for generating ventilation. However,it is unstable as a ventilation system since itsventilation rate is directly affected by the solarradiation.

New innovative domestic ventilation systems in the Netherlands

Energy efficient building means automaticallyextra attention to energy efficient ventilationand air tight building. At this moment there area number of new innovative domesticventilation systems in the market as analternative for the common MVHR systems.The types of systems range from advancednatural and hybrid systems to balanced hybridsystems. All these systems can combine a lowenergy consumption with a good indoor airquality and thermal comfort and guarantees onreliability and performance. A prerequisite forthis is a good design and especially a goodconstruction and commissioning.

Measurement of total pressure, static pressure and wind velocity aroundcross-ventilated building

Conventionally, the flow rate of a crossventilatedbuilding is predicted by using theorifice equation. When the opening is small,flow becomes like infiltration through cracks, itis useful. However, the flow rate could beunderestimated when the orifice equation isapplied to the cross-ventilated flow throughlarge openings. The goal of this research is topropose the prediction method of the flow rateof a cross-ventilated building by considering thepower balance inside the whole stream tube.
