The aim of this study is to examine contaminantdistribution in the occupied zone of a room servedby a novel enhanced displacement ventilationsystem which brings cooler air near the floorupward around human body via 4 fans mounted ateach corner of a chair. An office with twoworkstations was simulated in a full-scale testroom. The discharge angle of the flow from thefans was varied to be 0, 30, and 60" from thehorizontal plane. Two breathing thennal manikinswere used to simulate the occ~~pantwsi th oneserved as a polluting manikin and the other one asan exposed manikin.
It is often pointed out that when evaluating the energy-saving performance of equipment, it isimportant to take into consideration how theequipment under consideration is actually used.In evaluating heat transfer by contact duringfloor heating, it is important not only toevaluate spatial temperature distribution andoperative temperature but also to take intoconsideration heat transfer by contact with thefloor in view of the actual state of the floorheating system users.
The use of floor heating has been know sincemore than 3000 years from the Chinese Kang,the Korean Ondol, the Romans hypocaust to daysmodern water based systems embedded in thefloor construction. The application of suchsystems also for cooling is however less known.To evaluate the usefulness of radiant floorcooling it is important to take into accountcomfort, cooling capacity, control and design.One limiting factor is the floor surfacetemperature. In spaces with seated or people thefloor temperature should not be lower than 20 Cfor comfort reasons.
The concentration in the convection flows ofresuspended particles from the floor area wasexperimentally investigated under laboratoryconditions with different ventilation strategies.It was concluded that the number of smallparticles transported into the breathing zone waslarge with a forced resuspension; however thereseemed to be little risk of resuspension ofparticles from the floor due to the air supplyunder normal conditions. The geometry of thesimulators and the layout of the room had a biginfluence on the exposure.
The influence of air humidification in aircraft, on perception of cabin air quality among airline crew was investigated in that study. In-flight investigations were performed on eight intercontinental flights with a Boeing 767 : four of them were performed with the air humidification device turned on when going and turned off in the opposite direction. The other four flight had the inverse humidification sequence. The results of measurements are presented along with the analysis of the questionnaires submitted to the crew.
For that study, a subsample of 396 Chinese rural households were monitored. The results of the measurements showed that for nearly all household stoves or fuel groupings, PM4 levels were much higher than the national PM10 standard for indoor air. It relies on unprocessed solid fuels that emit substantial pollution into the household environment.
Improved stoves exist but are still not at levels that meet standards, and very often other unimproved stoves are present in the kitchen.
For that paper, the flow field and the emission field of VOCs from the surface of building materials in a FLEC (Field and Laboratory Emission Cell) cavity are investigated by 3D CFD analysis. Emission phenomena controlled by internal diffusion, or by external diffusion, or by mixed diffusion are studied. The results and conclusions are presented.
This paper demonstrates how to use the inverse CFD model with the quasi-reversability equation and numerical scheme for the identification of gaseous contaminant sources in a two-dimensional aircraft cabin and in a three-dimensional office. That method is very useful to find where, what and how contamination has happened. The results are presented.
For the building project of the skilled nursing facility at the Washington veterans home in Washington state, natural ventilation with a complementary mechanical system has been chosen. The mechanical system features, energy efficiency, indoor air quality and thermal comfort, additional sustainable features are presented along with effective solutions. For the design team, staying focused on sustainability and quality of life issues was vital.
For that study, two tests were conducted to study the effects of HVAC system operation on contaminant uptake and distribution : two scenarios of tracer gas experiments were performed on an existing building simulating an external release. For the first experiment there was no action by the building controls. For the second one the outside air-handling unit was shut off along with the closing of the outside air damper, simultaneously with the beginning of release. The results are presented. Several additional operational issues should be addressed.