A numerical simulation is used to evaluate theefficiency of a multi-layer rack composed ofphase change material (PCM) sheets each. Thebuilding, object of this study, is actually underconstruction in Lyon and will be monitored. 10of these racks are installed in the crawl space ofthe building. A fan is forcing fresh air to passthrough the crawl space and then through themulti-layer racks. Then, this air is used in thebuilding ventilation system, depending on itstemperature. The software TRNSYS is used tosimulate the behaviour of the building equippedwith racks.
The purpose of this paper is to proposestrategies of reducing energy consumption forcooling in residences under hot and humidclimate such as Indonesia. Based on the resultsof field survey, a simulation of the indoorthermal environment considering the operationof an air-conditioner was carried out, in order toevaluate energy consumption by theair-conditioner. This simulation program takesinto account both heat and moisture transportsin the walls. The effects of air tightness andthermal insulation were examined.
A sample of existing double-skin faqade (DSF)buildings distributed across Europe were analysedby means of data clustering. Studied buildings arelocated in different European countsies and in orderto structure the results according to climateconditions, three main regions were proposed. Ingeneral, results have shown good energyperformance of DSF buildings. Annual energydelivered per square meter useful pavement areawere computed for each DSF building andcompared. Clusters of DSF office buildings withsimilar energy behaviour were established.
TII this study the influence of temperature of thesupplied air of a personalized ventilation systemon energy need has been investigated by meansof simulations with IDA-ICE software. GenOptsoftware was used to determine the optimalsupply air temperature. The simulated officeroom was located in a cold climate. The resultsreveal that the temperature of air supplied bypersonalized ventilation and its control strategyhave a marked influence on energyconsumption.
Building airtightness is an important parameter that canbe measured according to the International Standard IS09972 "Therm~~l performance of buildings -Determination of air permeability of buildings - Fanpressurization method".Since 2006, there is a second edition of the standardthat cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 9972:1996).A modified version of IS0 9972: 1996 has been publishedby the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) asEuropean standard (EN 13829:2000).The standard provides good guidance for themeasurement of building airtightness but some aspectsshould be clarifie
Maintaining a good indoor air quality (forpeople and building conservation) is obviously thefirst aim of any ventilation system; neverthelessthe main side effect - which is also the mostvisible one - is to spend energy, for heating firstand for transport.In these times of expensive energy, thetemptation is high to lower the ventilation flows,with few consideration on indoor air quality.Demand controlled ventilation is still oftenaccused of this behaviour and argued against asbeing "just a flow reduction".
The decision makers in urban planning facevery often a dilemma whether to demolish orretrofit old buildings. Such a dileninia had to besolved during the reconstruction of the campusof the Faculty of Information Technologies atthe Brno University of Technology. One of thebuildings on the campus (a building that used tobe a brewery) was in a really bad shape and thequestion was whether to demolish it and build anew building instead or to put effort andresources into its retrofit.
In this study, we evaluated the ventilationperformance of an automobile interior with theaim of minimizing the influence of harmfulmaterials emitted from new cars. We measuredthe ventilation performance of a selecteddomestically manufactured passenger car by theconcentration decay method using tracer gas.For a total of four cases of test conditions, wecompared the ventilation volume andconcentration of pollution materials. Undervarious settings for the internal circulation andexternal circulation of the air circulation unit,the automobile is started in the open air.
Building services create customised, user-oriented and controlled conditions for thevarious activities taking place on real estatesand related premises.This paper presents an outlool< of buildingservices trends in Finland. The outlook of thefuture development of building services ispresented in the form of technology roadmaps.Overall, the building services roadmap consistsof six separate roadmaps.
Domain decomposition technique is a methodfor CFD simulation, which can handle internalairflow of cross-ventilation of dwellingsseparately from extemal domain. Boundaryconditions for internal airflow simulation werepicked from calculated result of extemaldomain. Cross-ventilation flow rate waspredicted by applying Local dynamic similaritymodel for large openings. Simulated resultswere compared with experimental results andgood correspondence was observed with respectto cross-ventilation flow rate.