A theoretical investigation into the performance of a novel mop-fan air cleaning system for buildings has been made for that study. That system is able to perform self-cleaning while circulating indoor air throughout the building space. The fluid dynamic characteristics of the mop impellers have been simulated and the UV light-photon characteristics of the mop cleaning system too. A room self-cleaning process has been analysed that takes into account the effect of pollutant-generating rate and air flow rate on mop reaction efficiency and self-cleaning time.
The spread of bacteria within an isolation room is closely related to room air distribution. In this article a CFD method is used to investigate the effects of a moving person and the opening and closing of a sliding door on room air distribution , including velocity, pressure and contaminant fields.
The aims of that paper were : first, to demonstrate the acoustics and ventilation design tool generating the geometric features, the simple acoustics properties and the natural rates for buildings, ranging from a simple open-plan office to a multi-purpose space. Then, to apply the design tool retrospectively to four 19th century buildings so that the validity of the design tool may be discussed, its effectiveness demonstrated and evaluated.
For that study, the thermal performance of two passive cooling systems under hot and humid climate condition is experimentally investigated. The experimental results obtained from a test cell were compared to those obtained from a controlled cell with identical walls but different roof configurations. The results show that application of a solar chimney in the test cell together with the spraying of water on roof can maintain the room temperature much lower than the ambient temperature and increase the flow rate of air due to the buoyancy.
This paper reports a study based on CFD simulations of refuge floor natural ventilation induced by wind flow around a high-rise building. The simulations are validated by wind tunnel measurements. The results reveal that at all wind angles, the wind can enter the refuge space from the windward side and escape from the leeward side. At some wind angles, the wind is found to re-enter the refuge space. Based on those results, suggestions are made by the authors.
A combined system of chilled ceiling, displacement ventilation and dessicant dehumidification is presented in that paper. It is designed and applied for space conditioning in a hot and humide climate as in China. To confirm the feasibility of the combined system in that type of climate, and to evaluate its performance, a mathematical model was developed to simulate an office building in Beijing and estimates IAQ, thermal comfort and energy consumption.
In this study, a step by step process has been used for the development of deemed-to-satisfy design solutions, that cope with the energy efficiency - thermal comfort - indoor air quality dilemma (EE-TC-IAQ Dilemma), for a performance based code. A distinction is made between improving building design variables and improving ventilation schemes.
Air distribution solutions to lower air velocities and good temperature control are studied in that paper. Measurements and temperature simulatins were carried out in 6 schools.
For that paper, used supply air filters have been studied by sensory and chemical methods. Thermodesorption/cold trap (TCT) and headspace (HS) devices were used too to examine the filter dust. Results and conclusions are presented.
A numerical study has been done to determine the effect of the perimeter heating load on the air diffusion performance iindex (ADPI) of an air diffuser for different air flow rates and different heating loads.