In this paper, the costs of asthma are analyzed ( the direct medical costs, the absenteism) and home environmental interventions to reduce asthma triggers are presented : mechanical methods that are effective both in reducing allergen loads and educational methods for asthmatic children and their parents. The combination of interventions has proven cost effective in studies that have employed them.
This article deals with the perception of locally applied airflow from personalized ventilation air terminal devices by tropically acclimatized people. During the experiments, 24 subjects (male and female) were exposed to local airflow from the front and towards the face at six air velocities (from 0.15 up to 0.9 m/s), at ambient temperatures of 26 C and 23.5 C and local air temperatures of
26 C, 23.5 C and 21 C. During each combination that was maintained during 15 minutes, the subjects responded to questionnaires on their thermal and draft sensations.
In that paper, an experiment conducted on decreasing VOC concentration in rooms made with adsorptive building materials is reported. The experiments and CFD analysis show those materials have a fairly strong effect of decreasing VOC concentrations in rooms.
The conclusions of an earlier research on humidity control in stand-alone houses are first presented in that paper, then a discussion follows on RH control targets , observed RH levels and the levels at which mold growth occurs. Then a second round of experiments are presented, and compared to the previous ones. The performance of 7 humidistat models are examined and a new control stategy is proposed.
This article examines the effectiveness of air cleaners, ranging from portable to duct-mounted devices. For VOCs removal or combined removal of VOCs and particles there is no fully established standard testing method. To fill this gap two studies have been performed using the stainless steel chamber test facility at Syracuse University, the summary of test results is presented for sorption-based air cleaners, UV-PCO devices, Ionizers and Ozone generators.
The effect of building recirculation rates on the concentrations of secondary organic aerosol (SOA), resulting from reactions between indoor limonene and ozone is examined in that study. The experiments have been carried out in a large environmental chamber using four recirculation rates, a constant outdoor air exchange rate , and constant emission rates for limonene and ozone. The results are presented.
The aim of that study was to compare both the Eulerian and Lagrangian modeling methods with an emphasis on their performance for predicting particle concentration distributions in ventilated spaces. The numerical results obtained with the two methods have been compared with the experimental data.
For that study experiments have been performed using either particle production or ozone removal as probes for a better understanding of oxidation processes on filter surfaces. The results indicate that the exposure history of a filter influences the quantity of oxidation products generated when ozone-containing air flows through it.
For that study, two Norvegian schools with CO2-sensor based demand controlled displacement ventilation (DCDV-CO2) are analysed and compared with traditional constant air volume (CAV) ventilation. The analysis period lasted one week in November. Airflow rates and the energy performance were analysed through measurements and use of a detailed, calibrated simulation model.
A thermal model of a greenhouse is presented in that paper, it is based on fan-pad evaporative cooling. The thermal performance of the greenhouse, as predicted by the model under different climatic conditions is analyzed. The conclusions of the analysis are presented.