Social, financial, energy and technical data from about 1 1 10 households have been collected during 2004 in the major Athens area. The sample has been divided in seven inconie groups and a detailed analysis has been performed. Iniportant conclusions have been drawn regarding the quality of households, the operational conditions and the energy spent per income group. Low income people are more likely to be living in old buildings with poor envelope conditions. The cost per person and unit area is much higher for the low income group for both heating and electricity.
The purpose of this study is to clarify thecharacteristics of airflow around building roofand to provide the guidelines for design ofnatural ventilation by chimney.
For the patient, the sickroom is a place for themedical treatment and is also the living spacewhere they spend almost all time in a day.Therefore, high indoor air quality and thermalcomfort are needed in the sickroom.We propose to use the displacement ventilationas a means of obtaining high indoor air quality,in combination with radiation panel forindividual control of thermal environment. Thisstudy is intended to examine the validity of thissystem. This paper describes the experimentaland calculated results on the influence ofradiation panel on contaminant concentrationprofile.
An integrated building concept is a prerequisiteto come to an energy efficient building with agood and healthy IAQ indoor comfort. A designprocess that defines the targets and boundaryconditions in the very first stage of the design and guarantees them until the building is finished and used is needed. The hard questionis however: how to make the right choice of thecombination of individual measures frombuilding components and building sewiceselements.
In commercial ltitchen, a large amount ofheat and moisture as the effluence need to beremoved. Therefore, a large ventilation rate isneeded and energy consumption can be large incommercial kitchen. To improve kitchencondition, supply eficient oxygen and save theenergy, low radiation cooking equipments withconcentrated exhaust were developed. Thispaper summarizes laboratory investigation intothe effect of low radiation cooking equipmentwith concentrated exhaust on coimiercialltitchen condition.
International building legislation is setting stronger and stronger requirements for the energy performance of buildings. The most recent example is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in the European Union. The improved energy performance of buildings can't be achieved by additional insulation or more effective building systems only. A major influence factor on the energy quality is the ventilation technology and also the airtightness of the building.
An island hood, which is often installed in anisland kitchen, is an exhaust range hoodmounted on a ceiling independently. Thecapture efficiency of the island hood is obtainedby experiment and CFD analysis. Examinedparameters are heat input, exhaust airflow rate,mounting height of the hood, and withlwithout abaffle plate. The Experimental results indicatethat the effect of the baffle plate is achieved inthe case of large exhaust airflow rate or smallheat input. Results of CFD analysis are higherthan that of the experiment in the all cases.
Interzonal air movements are important tocharacterize overall ventilation perfosmance ofcomplicated multi-zone indoor spaces. Tracergas techniques are widely used to measureventilation rates or ventilation effectiveness aswell as air movements between indoor spacesusing either a single or multiple tracer gases.This paper compares the tracer gas methods interns of procedures and uncertainties inmeasuring air exchange rates between rooms.Experiments have been conducted in a simpletwo-room model with known airflow rates.
Indoor air concentration is mainly affected bythe emission rate of contaminants frommaterials and the ventilation rate. Therefore, theappropriate selection of materials andventilation rate is an important factor for indoorair quality. The purpose of this study is topropose a method for the selection of materialsand to determine an appropriate ventilation ratethat can maintain the recommended guidelineconcentration with minimum cost.