Performance Evaluation of a Reversible Flow Double Skin Façade

Double-skin facade (DSF) is an architectural/ engineering solution developed from the need to increase comfort in buildings with full glazed facades. The actual concept of holistic approaches to the building energy system considers DSF as an element of an Advanced Integrated Facade. DSF were developed for colder climates and uncertainty remains on their applicability to warmer areas due to higher probability of overheating.

Performance assessment of an indoor LED illumination incorporated withthe building environment control system

The target of this study is to investigate aninnovative indoor LED illumination that usesheat pipes as the heat transfer channels toconduct the released heat of the LED to theheat-sink fins on the two sides. Naturalconvection inside the flow channels within theheat-sink fins or the forced convection made bythe returned flow of HAVC system serve as theoverall heat elimination mechanism.

Performance assessment of a natural ventilator by different test methods

Natural ventilation systems in multi-familyresidential buildings should meet the needs ofreducing ventilation heat loss as well asproviding good indoor air quality. Therefore, itis important to estimate the adequate area ofnatural ventilation systems based on reasonableperformance data.

Optimal operation of HVAC systems of a laboratory building based on Cx.

Tokyo Electric Power Company R&D Center wascompleted in September 1994. The buildingsconstructed in Phase I (hereinafter just called "thebuildings") were conferred the 35th Annual Awardsby the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning, andSanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE). The awardwas given to commend the 30% (approx.) energysavings attained by the adoption of the cold airdistribution system and various other techniques andtechnologies for energy conservation and operationmanagement.

Measurement on Energy Conservation of Heat Pump Air ConditioningSystem Employing Energy Recovery Ventilation in an Office Building

It is known that there are some methods ofenergy conservation for building facilities.Energy recovery ventilator (ERV),which canrecover sensible heat and latent heat, is one ofthe solution to reduce heatinglcooling loads,which are related to the power consumption ofair conditioning systems. Manufacturesspecify the performance of ERV'seffectiveness on the specification, however,there are few measured examples on energyeffectiveness in actual conditions in mildclimate area.

Life-cycle commissioning of energy efficiency and indoor climate

Numerous studies and everyday experiencesprove the fact that even new buildings do notperform as expected. Dissatisfaction with theindoor air quality and thermal comfort iscommon and the energy performance is not onthe targeted level regardless of the newtechnologies utilized and advanced systemsinstalled. To avoid these Izinds of situationsquality assurance procedures known as BuildingCommissioning have been developed in manycountries and taken into the use especially inUSA.

Integrating active thermal mass strategies with HVAC systems in officebuildings: development of a concept design tool

Thermal mass can be used in buildings toreduce the need for and dependence onmechanical heating and cooling systems whilstmaintaining environmental comfort. Activethermal mass strategies further enhance theperformance of thermal mass throughintegration with the Heating, Ventilation andAir Conditioning (HVAC) systems. For thedesign of new buildings to include activethermal mass strategies, experience fromoperational projects and design guidelines arenormally used by engineers.

Indoor humidity change with direct expansion (DX) air-conditioning (AIC)systems

DX A/C systems are widely used insmall to medium size building and generallyrely on On-Off control as a low-cost approachto maintain only indoor dry-bulb temperature.Continuously running the supply fan in a DXA/C system has a significant influence on themoisture removal effectiveness of DX A/Csystem. During an On-Off period, the airpassing through the system's cooling coil maylead to the re-evaporation of the residualmoisture on coil's finned surface.

Impact of the Change of Gross Building-to-Land Ratio upon the ResidentialVentilation Usage and Energy Consumption for Air-Conditioning andLighting

Tn this paper, using thc "SCTENCE vent"method for estimating the energy consumptionfor air conditioning in rcsidcntial buildings, wcevaluated the wind environment and theradiative conditions with respect to the targetbuildings in the case where the grossbuilding-to-land ratio was taken intoconsideration by altering the distance betweenindividual buildings. In addition, we examinedthe influence exerted by these parameters on theuse of air conditioning and the annual energyconsumption for air conditioning andillumination.

Impact of building morphology, thermal inertia and glazed area on theenergy consumption of residential houses

This paper presents the energy savings thatcould be obtained by the appropriate design ofthe building in terms of morphology, thermalinertia and glazed area. Based on an extendeddatabase of values obtained by simulations, thisparametric study gives a new approach for thearchitects or design engineers as supportguidelines in the very first stage of their projectsin finding efficiently energetic solutions.One of the analyzed parameters is the buildingshape coefficient which is defined as the ratiobetween the volume of a built form and itsexternal heating losses area.
