Thermal adaptation in residential buildings in the Hot Summer and WinterCold Zone of China, case study of Wuhan in summer

This field work was conducted in Wuhan in2007 summer to investigate local residents'thermal adaptation. A total of 367 residentsanswered questionnaires and 69 familiesprovided 348 data sets including residents'demographics information, thermal sensation,corresponding indoor and outdoor climaticcondition, housing characteristic and residents'adaptive behavior. The investigation has shownthat local residents can tolerant more rigorousthermal environments comparing with theranges defined by ASHRAE.

Setting temperature and clothing insulation in student rooms in summer

A survey of air conditioner temperaturesettings and clothing insulation was carried outfor university student rooms in June-Octoberduring daytime on weekdays in Osaka, Japan.The results are as follows. 1) Forair-conditioners that were turned on, thetemperature setting was 26-28C in 8 1.1 % ofcases. 2) Almost all respondents wore longtrousers and T-shirts, or that ensemble plus aninner shirt (78.9%). 3) Temperature settingsand thermal sensations differed by building. 4)Effects of soclts on thermal sensation wererecognized.

Determination of the Chilled Water Temperature and Flow Rate of theRadiant Floor Cooling System in Residential Buildings

This study aims to derive design data of thesupply chilled water temperature and water flowrate for the radiant floor cooling system inKorean residential buildings. At first,prEN- 1264 standard and ASHRAE method forthe radiant floor cooling system design werereviewed. Secondly, to verify application of thestandard, moclc-up tests were performed. Theresults show that prEN-1264 method isappropriate in case supply chilled watertemperature is low.

Improving Air-conditioners' Energy Efficiency Using Hydroponic Roof Plants

Experimental study was conducted onimproving air-conditioners' energy efficiencyusing hydroponic roof plants. The air-coolingeffect caused by the solar-shading andtranspiration of hydroponic-cultivated sweatpotato was measured. Using the measured data,it is estimated that how much the energyefficiency of an air-conditioner can be improvedif the cooled air is introduced into the outdoorunit of air-conditioners. The measured airtemperatures and cooling loads were used tocalculate the energy consumption of theair-conditioner.

A Study on Thermal environment of the Raised-Floor Ondol with aVentilation System at an Apartrnent

A radiant heating applied to floor, so called'Ondol', is a traditional heating method in Koreaand has been widely used. The form of theOndol has been modified so that it can beapplied to modem residential buildings.However, the Ondol system has limitation inkeeping comfortable indoor-environment,because the Ondol is able to control floortemperature only.

Uncertainties due to the use of surface averaged wind pressure coefficients

A com~nonp ractice, adopted by several buildingenergy simulation (BES) tools, is the use ofsurface averaged wind pressure coefficients (Cp)instead of local Cp values with high resolutionin space. The aim of this paper is to assess theuncertainty related to the use of surfaceaveraged data, for the case of a cubic buildingwith two openings. The focus is on wind-drivenventilation and infiltration, while buoyancy isnot taken into account.

Design Engineering Review of Two Canadian Displacement VentilationApproaches with in-situ Performance Measurement of the Buildings

Displacement Ventilation approach is becomingan interesting alternative to mixing ventilationainong Canadian consulting engineers. Thispaper presents two recent DisplacementVentilation projects designed by two inajorCanadian engineering firms. The designapproach chosen by the mechanical engineers isreviewed and compared to European andAmerican existing Displacement Ventilationdesign guidelines. The paper shows that sometraditional mixing ventilation assumptions arestill prevailing which alter the expected benefitsof the Displacement Ventilation approach.

Condensation and mold growth risks on interior surface of a corner wall in anapartment

The paper presents the results of mold growthrislzs in a corner wall near an entrance door inan apartment house. The corner wall isrecognized as a trouble spot for condensationand mold risk in apartment buildings. Thisstudy analyses mold rislzs based on a mixedsimulation approach. This approach requires areliable aggregation method to arrive atquantified mold growth risk and extension ofstandard simulation capacity to account for additional mechanisms of the moldphenomenon.

Moisture Control and Cooling Energy Use in Residential Buildings

Energy consumed in the Canadian residential sector for space cooling has more than doubled from 1990 to 2002. Cooling requirements, expressed by cooling degree-days have also increased. In parallel, there has also been a noticeable increase in the penetration rate of airconditioning systems: almost 45 percent of households were equipped with some type of air-conditioning system in 2003. A comprehensive ventilation approach requires not only air exchange but also indoor liuinidity control.

Thermal comfort in high mean radiant temperature environments

This paper presents a design method to definethe settings of HVAC systems in order toprovide thermal comfort in high MRTenvironment in hot climates. The method,firstly, discuss the use of simplified thermalload calculation methods, in face of thespecificities of the theme. Then, dynamic heat,air and moisture envelope simulations areperformed in order to define the surfaces'internal temperatures. The distribution system,including terminal sizing and positioning, flowrate and temperature, is defined based on CFDsimulations.
