Performance of natural, hybrid and mechanical ventilation systems in urban canyons

The performance of natural, mechanical and hybrid ventilation systems was monitored, using the tracer gas decay method, in three typical apartment buildings locatedin two street canyons, during summer period 2002 in Athens. The multi-zone methodology has been adoptedbased on the mass balance of two tracer gases (N2O and SF6) to define the air change rates. The air-exchange efficiency was determined for different ventilation systems,on the basis of the room mean age of air.

Methodology and results of construction company R&D department in energy efficiency in building

To promote the sustainability the building environment is full of opportunities; in particular in Europe with the energy building performance directive and its adaptationin Spain with the new regulation on energy efficiencyin building (Cdigo Tcnico de la Edificacin: CTE). The work on energy efficiency in building could be held since different point of view.

Methodologies to bring innovative environmental technology R&D results into the market

It has been widely recognised that too few projects initiatedunder both national as well as EU funded research projects find their way to commercial exploitation.

Measurement of natural ventilation rate in Japanese residential building

It is difficult to design indoor environment under natural ventilation because there is insufficient knowledge to evaluate the effect of the natural ventilation space quantitatively.Especially, natural ventilation rate is not yet fully understood.In this paper, the properties of the naturalventilation with large openings are examined mainlyfrom the measurement result of ventilation rate.

Low energy cooling for buildings in the middle Europe - case studies

The paper deals with applicability of passive and low energy cooling technologies in the Czech Republic.In the paper there are presented two recent studies, where computer simulation helps to design properly the passive and low energy cooling for buildings is the Czech Republic. There is presented case studies applying,night cooling, thermal mass and slab cooling. The role of computer simulation in the low energy building design and optimalization is discussed.

Little floors town-planning complexes with energy protect building systems and new types concrete in Russia at 2007

Research of adaptability to manufacture of application of designs from porous concrete with the help of methodsexpert estimating has shown a high level of adaptabilityto manufacture of the developed decisions in view of factory, transport, assembly, operational adaptability to manufacture and adaptability to manufacture of modernizationand reconstruction. Thus the integrated criterionof adaptability to manufacture is equal 0,665, that promotes increase of general efficiency of process of erection little floors town-planning complexes.

Investigating and analyzing the thermal behavior of the “green roof system” installedin two buildings in Athens, Greece

The present paper deals with the experimental analysis and monitoring of the energy and environmental performanceof a green roof system installed in two residences,in the region of Athens, Greece. The one is located in municipality of Psichico and the other in municipality of Peristeri. The analysis was carried out in two phases.During the first phase, monitoring of the green roof systemwas performed.

Indoor air quality in fifty residences in Athens

Measurements of indoor pollutants have been performed in 50 residences in Athens. The concentration of CO2, CO, TVOC’s and PM2.5, PM10 has been measured. The ventilation rate in the dwellings has been calculated using continuous measurements of the CO2 co

Fuzzy control system for regulation of integrated shading and ventilation

Automated living and working environment is becominga commonly used service. The present paper deals with a dynamically automated control of shading in buildings during mid-seasons. In addition to shading the controller also regulates illuminance levels, internaltemperatures and their harmonization. The system is designed as fuzzy controller that functions in real time and under real environmental conditions. For this purposea test chamber with an opening on the southern side was built. Changeable geometry of the opening was realized with the automated external roller blind.

Floor cooling and air-cooling, the effects on thermal comfort of different cooling systems

One of the research areas of the Energy research Centreof the Netherlands (ECN) concerns the built environment.Several facilities to conduct research activitiesare at ECNs disposal. One of these facilities, are five research dwellings located on the premises of ECN. Measured data from these facilities together with weather data and computer models are used to evaluate innovative energy concepts and components in energy systems.
